Here we go (round 2) -- 71 lbs to go for me to be happy

So I've been gone from MFP for the last 9 months.... My original attempt at weight loss in January - March of 2011 (where I lost 25 lbs) ended up regulating my cycles and I accidentally (but a good accident) became pregnant. I suffer from PCOS (poly cycstic ovary syndrome) and was always told I would never had children. In the end of 2010 I had lost 20 lbs and gotten pregnant but miscarried at about a month along. I gained that 20 lbs back, and then started up again in January and lost 25 lbs, and once again got pregnant. During my pregnancy I gained 35 lbs, so basically I'm starting all over.

Since having the baby I've lost 20 lbs and plan to keep losing. My ultimate goal is to lose 70 more lbs by the end of November so I can go horseback riding for the first time in almost 9 years.

On Wednesday I'm starting the Vi-Shape shake program and I'm really nervous. I've eaten like crap for the last 9 months (the whole first trimester I could normally only hold down cherry icees and top ramen... which of course set me up for failure for the rest of the pregnancy). Tuesday my fiance and I are going to clean out the fridge and pantry (giving all our junk food to his brother). I am going to start planning our meals again -- we ate MUCH healthier when I did that before. I know I'm going to have the horrible detox phase, cravings and hard time of getting used to a whole new routine and having to gather up ALL my willpower.

I don't really care to ever be skinny -- I've never been skinny in my life. I was a chubby kid, heavy teenager and obese adult. Right now my ultimate goal is just to get under 200 lbs again. If I go below that, fine, if not, I'm ok with that.

So here we go... time for Round 2!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome back and good luck. Remember it's about Healthy Eating and Portion Control. :flowerforyou:
  • You can and will lose those lbs!! I'm just so happy for you and congrats again on your beautiful little boy!!