Add me if 2012 is gonna be your year too!



  • lyndseyroseivory

    I read your post and for a minute thought i had written it ! I am hitting 30 in June and have been overweight since i was 18. Big cycle of eating, feeling bad, eating more, going on a diet, sticking it for a bit then having a little hic up and putting the weight back on with more. This is definitely going to be my year. i have just had my last baby ( number 5) my only boy and now its time to focus on me now the family is finished. My main hardship is lack of time for excercising. I work full time, have the five children and am studying at night so am looking for other ways to fit excercise in. if you like to add me i could really do with a bit of support around me too! Have 42 lbs to go and every 1/2 pound i am down i will be happy with once i am not up. We can all encourage each other. Best of luck with your journey and only thing i can take from my previous failings is dont obsess with it. if you have a bar or something bold its not the end of th world so just keep going.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    You can do anything you set your mind to! Getting a trainer has been the best thing for me because I was getting weaker every year and had some injuries. I needed someone to show me how to exercise without hurting myself. She also gives me regular pep talks to keep motivated and when I mess up, she calls me on it so I don't continue to lie to myself. I had to go through 4 others before I found her. I suggest you go to a better gym to find a more experienced trainer. You can definitely look fantastic by October, and you may surprise yourself at how much more confident you feel long before that as you gain muscle and start to feel stronger. Best of luck!
  • 26candyfloss
    hi i'm new today, had my 3rd baby 17 weeks ago and put on alot of weight and need to shift it.... would be nice to go swimming in the sea this year with out a t shirt over the top
  • rebeccaboise
    rebeccaboise Posts: 23 Member
    Hello there,
    I love this site and the associated supportive people. I've already had some success and have a pretty modest goal. But I'd love to be friends. The more the merrier as far as having a cheering section, right? My boyfriend and I are planning an all inclusive trip somewhere warm this summer so my thinspiration is getting into a bikini. Best wishes with your goals.
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Lyndsey - We certainly sound similar, at least up until the 5 children part - woah! You sound like a strong strong woman, what with adding full time work AND studying to the mix. I have no doubt that you will do this. I'm going to add you if that is ok? I would love to see you succeed. As for exercise, maybe start with what you can fit in (ie taking the stairs at work, parking further away at the shops so you walk that little bit further) it may not be much but it'll all add up and will make you feel like you are at least making a start :)

    Mabug - Thank you. How did you know when you'd found the right trainer for you though? I presume you have to just leap in and have a session or two to decide? You are doing really well. So tell me, what's your favourite part about the changes you see in yourself?

    Candyfloss - Hello! It seems like you are probably aiming for July to look smoking hot too huh? I sure you will do it in no time!

    Rebeccaboise - I would love to be friends too. I have added you back. Certainly the more the merrier! :)