My non-supportive family makes me laugh now...



  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    Until then, I'm not going to name call. I'm not going to point and laugh (until I hang up the phone and she can't hear me)... I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing...

    Good for you!!!

    My mom recently asked are you loosing weight, I wasn't at the time, or don't you care anymore....thanks ma
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Makes me giggle, it may be mean but I hope my sister and I share the same experience one day :) A day when I can make fun of her and poke jokes about all the bad stuff she eats, but for now I'm a lot more overweight that she is. She had a dream afew months ago that I was skinnier than her, and one day I just may make her dream become a reality XD Haha :)

    Grats, your hard work is showing and you made someone jealous :) That's something to be proud of I think :D