Last 40 pounds....

So in the beginning of my journey it was so easy, walk for an hour 7 days a week and lose 10-20 fluid lbs......Then after my first 100 lbs lost I struggled.... Now I'm at my last 40 lbs to lose and I'm struggleing as if there is no tomorrow..... I've started helping at the neighbor's dairy farm and the first week I lost 7 lbs...and the last 2 weeks I gained and stayed the same... I need help and major encouragement....


  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
    Well, first off...congrats on your amazing accomplishment so far!! I'm in the final push as well...I figure about 30 more lbs. It most certainly is much harder than the first 80 for me. I've mixed it up throughout the process and am now back to really watching my carbs and sugars. I do stay within my caloric range too, so it's not just as easy to say do one thing or another. I have been setting MFP to the 'Olivia method'...I have a link on my profile, basically my incentive is to see an 5-800 calorie deficit/day and it's motivating me to exercise more to get a bigger number at the end of the day. feel free to add me if you'd like.