Recipies/ please help?

I cut all beef, pork, and fried foods. I'm only doing chicken and fish...does anyone have any great recipies or where to go for some?


  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    My favorite websites for recipes are and I make one or two things a week from these sites and I almost always love them.
  • cieralea7
    cieralea7 Posts: 15 Member
    Girlllllll you have to go look at, amazing recipes and tons of options!!!! :) Good Luck
  • Thanks a lot..
  • Alice_H
    Alice_H Posts: 58 Member
    If you can stand a little fat in your cooking, one of my favorite dishes is:

    1 lb chicken or turkey italian sausage - buy the links, remove the skin, cut lengthwise and then about six sections crosswise - put a tiny bit of olive oil or butter in a really big non-stick pan, cook until the sausage is browning but not completely cooked. Add two chopped red bell peppers, one diced red onion, a half pound of sliced mushrooms, two cups of broccoli florets, and a bunch of chopped asparagus. Add about a teaspoon of crushed red pepper, stir it all up, cover the pan but stir periodically until the whole thing is cooked.

    If I'm feeling really decadent or have a bunch of calories left for the day, I might chop up some Carr Valley bread cheese into small bits and toss it in there toward the end, just long enough for the cheese to get all melty and gooey. Sometimes I'll toss a couple of handfuls of grape tomatoes in there too.

    Because the chicken sausage has very little fat, I find it hard to cook this without adding a bit of fat - but this dish will feed me and my husband with enough leftovers for at least one of us to have lunch, and even if I use a full tablespoon of cooking fat it still comes in under 250 calories if it's split three ways. It's a LOT of food, and is visually pleasing with all the colors.

    I make this with non-chicken/turkey Boulder Sausage too. I don't know if you have that in your area - it's leaner sausage, and they don't add corn syrup or fillers.