Down -10 lbs - lots more to go!

Hey everyone - so far I have lost 10 pounds since January 1st by exercising and tracking my food with myfitnesspal. In 2004/5, I lost 75 lbs and kept it off until 2009 when the weight slowly but surely started to creep back on (stopped watching what I was eating, and stopped hitting the gym did it) so I'm hoping to be back on track for 2012.
I'm 33 (soon to be 34) and my goal weight is 154 to start (I'm 5'6") and then hopefully after that weight I'll get down to 148 eventually. If I get down to 154 I will weigh less than I did in the fifth grade (yes, I was a chubby kid, too) so that is my initial goal. I have a lot to lose - currently around 88 lbs and I'm hoping to reach my goal on on before the end of 2012. I'm giving myself a whole year since my total weight loss will be around 100 lbs.
I look back at photos of myself from 5 years ago and I see how great I looked and I wanna look that way again! I'm single and I want to make the most of being young while I still can.
My biggest struggle so far has been dining out (although I have definitely made better choices than in the past - skinny margaritas are my new best friend!) and getting motivated to hit the gym. I think I'm definitely in the right mind set as I've logged in every day for 30 days and have been hitting the gym 3-5 times per week. I am taking it slow because my stamina is still building, but I'm happy with my progress so far.
Anyway, happy to make new friends and always looking for cooking recipes (especially recipes for 1-2 people vs. large dinners.)
Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone! :)


  • Siberiantigris
    Congratulations on your accomplishment thus far! That's wonderful. I only began using this site a couple of weeks ago but have lost about 4lbs. I'm really excited about getting down to my goal weight of 155 so I'm right with you! It's a slow process but I'm sure it will be well worth it in the end. My username is siberiantigris. Feel free to add me (that goes for anyone that wants to be encouraging along this journey). God speed!
  • fitjerseygirl
    fitjerseygirl Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you as well. I find the success stories on the message boards so inspiring. Hopefully, it will be us posting on them soon!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Great accomplishment!! Keep it up!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Welcome back. A lot of us have been there.

    I will let you decide if you want me as a friend or not.

    Hi, I'm Barbra (my friends call me Barbi) from Indy.

    I've lost the same 80 lbs 3 times until now.....I've finely figured learned the key to weight loss.

    I believe in eating all or most of your calories burnt by exercise to keep your weight loss steady and fuel your body for the exercise you are doing.

    I believe you have to eat the calories MFP tells you too which is on your diary as "my goal"

    I believe your "net" should never go under 1200

    I will not tell you your doing a good job on your diary if you're under your "net" calories

    I will also not comment if your diary is not public

    I WILL be a great support if you are eating right, exercising, and doing it RIGHT without going hungry.

    because it works
  • fitjerseygirl
    fitjerseygirl Posts: 76 Member

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