just starting out....

i am just starting out with this stuff, i just joined a gym, and am really trying to do all that the personal trainer said i should. it's hard to do, when i work full time, mom full time, etc....but i am committed, i just worry about getting discouraged, or messing it all up by eating what i think is healthy, but what the food tracker shows isnt as healthy as i thought........


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    One day at a time. Do what you can when you can. I think it is important to log your food in the beginning, and measure all that you eat so you get a picture in your head of what size a portion really is.

    Then just be kind to yourself. You're learning and there is always a learning curve.

    Good luck.
  • medicrenee
    medicrenee Posts: 58 Member
    stay within your calorie limits, work out at home or gym at least three days a week to begin with. I'm a full time mom and work fifty plus hours a week. Its doable.. believe in yourself... we do:)
  • slfit1
    slfit1 Posts: 5
    dont worry, we all mess up! thats why this website is so good! the encouragement got me over my last hurdle (the silly season) and back on track.
    Best advice, log even when you dont have a good day, so that you can see what changes you can make the next day :)
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    Welcome to MFP!! There is so much information, friendship and support here... Feel free to add me if you would like
  • ashtonalayna
    One thing I have learned is to not set your goals 2 high. Also a friend of mine once said whenever she fees like eating something she shouldn't she tells herself "do I really wanna see this on my hips." More than once that convinced me to put th e cookie back in the jar :) Good luck you can do this!
  • mindy2185
    hi! welcome. i am fairly new too. i know what you mean, when i started logging my stuff by lunch i was over, lol. you learn to manage it, with time. i am still learning, things i thought were healthy, are far from it. to me, its all about educating myself first. what the point of me trying to get healthy and change, if i dont even know where to start. and yes-people here are sooo supportive and extremely helpful. i learn from mfp family everyday. you can add me and just take it day by day and educate yourself.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I agree here. Just take it 1 day at a time. I work FT and have 3 girls in all kinds of activities. Some days I have to come right home from work and hit it hard or I won't work out at all. If I sit for a minute, then it is all over. I thought my 60 cal string cheese was wonderful... sodium killer. So, a word to the wise, watch the sodium. I was super over everyday, and was wondering why I wasn't losing. duh! So, just watch your intake, I have learned a ton by just doing that!

  • jworb
    jworb Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with ashtonalayna about having reasonable goals. I have started working on diet and fitness multiple times, even paying a ton of money to see a personal trainer for months, but I always set my goals too high and it never worked for long. Even though I'm just starting up again (I originally signed up for MFP ages ago but never got anywhere with it) I feel like it's different this time. I'm not focusing on losing weight really, or on exercising yet - just making small changes, one at a time. I'm starting by focusing on what I eat. After I get into the habit of eating well, I'll start adding fitness goals slowly.

    good luck! you can do it!