Help, I'm stuck...

CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
Help, I'm stuck...

For starters let me say that I'm just frustrated and want to rant. I feel like a million bucks, spring is here, life is good. My B/P is down, I have the pulse of a runner (55 resting?!?!), and I sleep like a baby 7 hours a night. I have a ton of energy and will get my butt back on the bicycle when the weather gets just a little bit better,,,

(I have read the stickies BTW).

That said:

What is it about 9's? I can't seem to break a 9. Couple months ago I was stuck at 260, couldn't get to 259, then it was 250, couldn't get to 249, now I've weighed 240/241 for a week and can't seem to get to 239.

I'm on 1700 cal's a day, which is not bad. Every day I go over on protein, usually a little over on carbs, and always way under on fats. I do eat at least 1600 every day to stay out of the dreaded "Starvation mode", and I very rarely go over.

Now I'm on a plateau and I'm struggling to break it. I have my first motorcycle class in 4 weeks and I really wanted to be "in the 220's" by then.

Here's what I plan to try:

I usually eat a little cereal/2% milk/fruit in the morning w/coffee for a 350 cal breakfast. Then I have a s-wich and a fruit for lunch at 350 or so. An apple in the afternoon and I'm going home from work with close to 1000 cal's left for supper & evening snack (usually cottage cheese/peaches, sometimes a 100cal pack of cookies or something). So I've been eating really a pretty heavy supper - home cooked real food or very smart restaurant choices of course.

Here's what I'm going to try:

Get careful (again) with portion control. I measured everything at first, but now I'm winging it more. "That's about a 1/2 cup"... Time to get the scale out again.

Eat more earlier, knock out 1000 cal's earlier in the day, lighten up supper and knock off the evening snack. Maybe just salad or carrots or something. Getting the evening meal down to 400 or 500 cals should help.

Wife pointed out that I'm not really doing that great a job with the water. Drink more water.

Any additional tips or thoughts? How did you break your plateau?


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Help, I'm stuck...

    For starters let me say that I'm just frustrated and want to rant. I feel like a million bucks, spring is here, life is good. My B/P is down, I have the pulse of a runner (55 resting?!?!), and I sleep like a baby 7 hours a night. I have a ton of energy and will get my butt back on the bicycle when the weather gets just a little bit better,,,

    (I have read the stickies BTW).

    That said:

    What is it about 9's? I can't seem to break a 9. Couple months ago I was stuck at 260, couldn't get to 259, then it was 250, couldn't get to 249, now I've weighed 240/241 for a week and can't seem to get to 239.

    I'm on 1700 cal's a day, which is not bad. Every day I go over on protein, usually a little over on carbs, and always way under on fats. I do eat at least 1600 every day to stay out of the dreaded "Starvation mode", and I very rarely go over.

    Now I'm on a plateau and I'm struggling to break it. I have my first motorcycle class in 4 weeks and I really wanted to be "in the 220's" by then.

    Here's what I plan to try:

    I usually eat a little cereal/2% milk/fruit in the morning w/coffee for a 350 cal breakfast. Then I have a s-wich and a fruit for lunch at 350 or so. An apple in the afternoon and I'm going home from work with close to 1000 cal's left for supper & evening snack (usually cottage cheese/peaches, sometimes a 100cal pack of cookies or something). So I've been eating really a pretty heavy supper - home cooked real food or very smart restaurant choices of course.

    Here's what I'm going to try:

    Get careful (again) with portion control. I measured everything at first, but now I'm winging it more. "That's about a 1/2 cup"... Time to get the scale out again.

    Eat more earlier, knock out 1000 cal's earlier in the day, lighten up supper and knock off the evening snack. Maybe just salad or carrots or something. Getting the evening meal down to 400 or 500 cals should help.

    Wife pointed out that I'm not really doing that great a job with the water. Drink more water.

    Any additional tips or thoughts? How did you break your plateau?
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    That's how I feel about 6's and 5's.
    I think it's the math geek in me. If it is less than 5 lbs, I feel justified in rounding down instead of up :laugh:

    I've been at a plateau for a while. I don't have any advice to give, just best wishes and encouragement. You are doing great so far so don't give up!
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    How about increasing the calories earlier in the day, less in the evening? How many "net calories" are you left with at the end of the day...plateaus often just give your body time to readjust...don't sweat it, they usually don't last long. Best to you always, Rick
    i am no expert... but it seems like you have lots of sugars in your diet, granted they are from "healthy" sources, fruits etc... but you (if you are not already) may want to check out how much you are getting and make sure it is within range... I have never heard a great naswer to the "is it okay to go over on sugar if it is from fruit question..." but sugar is sugar... and it could be a way to shake things up... switch to veggies with a s-w or something like that. like i said i'm no expert just a thought! good luck!!! :smile:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    More veggie - starch carbs and less fruity - sugar carbs. Interesting,,, good catch.

    I love the apples/nanners/oranges/peaches/plums/etc. etc. Good stuff. But I could probably do more broccoli and less bananas... I didn't realize I was that heavy on fruit 'til you pointed it out. :noway:

  • lanasgurl
    lanasgurl Posts: 19 Member
    I found that by eating fruit (carbs) by themselves was leaving me hungry an hour or so afterwards and I was struggling in loosing. My solution was to take a posts advise about always having a protein and carb together slowing down the digestion to keep you feeling full longer. Since I am deathly allergic to peanut butter but LOVE it, I found soy butter to be a comparible substition and really does help when I combine an apple and a tablespoon of soy butter for my snack. Has worked in keeping my energy level up and feeling satisfied longer.
    Now I look forward to snacks more than meals!:laugh:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Me too, stuck that is! I've been here for about 2 weeks now, staying in my calorie range, exercising, not losing. :frown: I've been eating a lot of fruit also, maybe that's the problem and I'm hungry all the time it seems, really hungry. I'm going to try incorporating more protein in the am, eggs probably.
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    I feel like you've only given half the story - what exercise calories are you posting daily? Is the 1700 a day calorie plan actually right for your daily grind? More veggies and less fruit is probably a good idea. Heavy lunch, light dinner might also shake things up a bit. Or a walk every evening to offset some of the heavy dinner?
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    No exercise calories. Just dieting, haven't been exercising. Lots of bad excuses about no time, all BS.

    I do get out for 1/2 hour or so every evening walking the dog,,, but he's a Basset Hound and far lazier than even me! :laugh: Not even brisk enough to count. After that it's dark, and we don't have any indoor exercise equipment that I can use. Wife and I planning to look at an elliptical this w/e.

    The 1700 calorie plan is what the website set up for me. It was a higher calorie count, but as the weight came off and my BMR dropped it adjusted down. It's about right I think, it seems like a lot, but I'm a 240 pound male. (Wow, that sounds great to me,,, 240 hehehe).