My first day here!

I just got here, love the features on this site. I live in India, and am especialyl thrilled to see that the calorie counter has most of the indian food that I eat.

About me - I am a 33 year old indian woman brought up on the religion of carbs. I am trying to fix that now, and the macro-nutrient break up on the tool is helping me make sure I get enough protein.

I've been chubby since my teen yeats, but In all my life, I've never had to lose more than 30 pounds (12 - 13 kilos), and I've never managed to do that. Lots of false starts, some times I get halfway there, but the weight always comes back.

I'm perfectly healthy, no hormones to blame either. The problem? I'm somewhat exercise-phobic, and very fond of food. There you go.

But I have constantly been doing some sort of exercise or the other, so my basic fitness and vitals are decent, despite the weight.

I am 5 ft 2 inches tall, and weigh 68 kilos (roughly 150 pounds), and i want to get to 56 kilos - about 124 pounds. I dont want to be skinny, just fit and flab free.

I walk ont he treadmill now, don't do much else. Sedentary job. Am planning to start the 30-day-shred program soon, and do it 5-6 times a week.

My goal is to lose the 25 odd pounds by august 2013 - a nice, relaxed pace so that weight stays off, because when i lose weight quickly, it comes right back. This way, I have 20 months to lose, and keep off, 25 pounds. I want to lsoe the actual weight itself in about a year, and spend the next 8 months in maintenance.

Wish me luck folks!
