carbs/sugars cut back

I want to lose weight but all these weight plans average $400 a month to start! So, instead of spending all that money, I decided to just cut back on my carbs and sugars and let my body do it's thing! I have been eating less than 25g carbs and 10g of sugar a day. I have lost 6 lbs in 5 days. I have not been hungry but have had a terrible headache the majority of the time. This morning I woke up and my whole body ached. I am told by friends (who succeeded with the expensive diet plans) that I'm putting my body into ketosis and it is a normal to feel this way. I realize I may also be going through caffiene withdrawl which could also cause headaches but nothing seems to make them go away.

I really want to continue losing weight but I am wondering if this is the right way to go about it. What is the average carb and sugar intake that I should be eating per day?


  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Here's the way I see it.
    Give yourself a month. That's the best indicator for ANY dietary changes. If you still feel a headache coming on, let it go. If not, and you're losing weight/feeling good.. then it's pretty obvious you've found a great lifestyle change.

    I've cut my carb and sugar intake to zero on some days and 30g on others. I felt headachey for awhile but that's about it. Exercise really helps with this.

    Good luck to you! Many people are still fearful of ketosis, so just stay open minded and don't discredit anything after one person's opinion. Gather many opinions and make your own choice-- what works for you. :)
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    I did the Sugar Busters diet a few years ago, same sugar/carbs/bread/potatoes/bananas/corn, worked great...but do remember it took me 2 wks to not have headaches. I don't think it's ketosis, it's your body craving sugar from all of those years having it! Like caffeine!

    It will go away and you won't even care if you don't have sugar. You will be healthier :) Good luck!
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    I've seen paleo/primal eaters refer to some other similar symptoms that last a couple of weeks after going low carb. They call it a "carb flu". They advise to be patient, your body is adjusting to burning fat for a primary fuel source. They claim once you get through it you'll feel better than ever. You might want to google the term for so reading and see if it applies to you.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I did the low carb diet to lose the first 90 pounds and for me it worked great as long as I stuck to it... I couldn't cheat at all or I was back to square one as far as the cravings....

    but after the first couple of weeks the achy "carb flu" goes away and you will have more energy than you can imagine.....

    I hope it works for you, drink lots of water and try to limit any carbs after 5pm.... it helps
  • pickenslmc
    pickenslmc Posts: 47 Member
    Is there a reason you want to go so very low carb? I know many plans aim for 100grams or less of carbs a day instead of less than 25 grams. This would also increase the variety of foods you are eating and likely increase sustainability.