Never thought I'd be posting in this section :(



  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    i stopped eating sugar - after a couple days i stopped craving it and now it is nothing to me. no desire for cookies cake or ice cream and its been 3 months

    I'm doing a no sugar challenge for the month of January through Skinny Ms. Challenge. Was wondering if you use any type of natural sugar like Stevia, honey, agave. The only source of sugar allowed on the challenge is fruit. i couldn't believe how much food has sugar in it. Before the challenge, I stayed away from sweets for the most part, but when I started the challenge I couldn't believe all the foods I couldn't have. I will say that I feel so good and only upped my % of clean eating.

    I do use stevia and just yesterday used agave nectar to eat with protein pancakes. and honestly i use sweet and low mostly (my mom was diabetic my whole life so we grew up using it). i eat chobani yougert which i am not sure about what sugar may be in that but just have it once a day for breakfast. i mostly just eat fresh vegetables and chicken, turkey, eggs, and fish. its been working for me - and i use to be addicted to sugar - cookies, candy, and cake icing. once i stopped i lost the desire to eat it at all. also i will eat an apple or berries but its natural sugar and limit to 2 servings a day
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Congrats on the current weight loss!

    I looked at your food diary and realized the sodium was high/over almost every day. This is something I have majorly struggled with on this journey and by no means have a complete answer for. In my case when my sodium intake is high for several days in a row I will gain or not lose weight at all. Usually, when I get that part of my diet under control, everything else follows.

    When grocery shopping I tend to look at the sodium before the calories.

    Just a thought.

    Yeah, I just added sodium on today so I could get a grasp of it, lol