QUITTING smoking!! help!!



  • VassiT
    VassiT Posts: 4
    My advice to people is to quit smoking cold turkey.That's what I did three months ago and I believe that it's the best decision I ever made.If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.Good luck!!!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I am on day 52 here! I set my quit date two months in advance and did it! dum dums are heaven sent and gum! Every time I wanted a cig I would go brush my teeth. silly but very effective! or I would do jumping jacks or push ups for 5 minutes! I also have an e-cig but barely used the thing since I felt rather silly with it. I still carry it in case I need it but the battery has been dead for a couple weeks!

    My biggest problem is that with all the other things I have given up or cut back on since starting here in July, my body went into shock! I didn't change anything other than adding gum I still burnt high calories and didn't add a ton of calories or salty food but my body threw a major temper tantrum! I am still not over it entirely. I went from 185.2 up to a one day touch at 200.2! (nothing great about leaving onederland let me tell you!) I am back to 192.4 but am smoke free. I know how to lose those 7 pounds!

    Feel free to add me! I am rather disgusting about how happy I am to be smoke free and have my scale turning around again!
  • Samgramm
    Samgramm Posts: 41 Member
    Chantix really helps. I also download the free QuitNow app on my phone. I like that it gave me a timeline of goals - normal breathing, taste senses, etc. It's hard. Stay away from drinking for the first few weeks, and then when you do, just 1 or 2, not enough to lose your willpower. The first week is the hardest. Give yourself a break on your diet during that week. After you quit, you'll be able to workout harder and get back on track.

    Good Luck! You can do it!
  • sarbu24
    sarbu24 Posts: 129 Member
    I quit exactly 7 years ago today. I was going to post about it, then saw this topic!! lol . I tried using quitting aids from my doctor and I hated it, and it didnt work. So one day I said to myself "this is my last cigarette". And I stuck to it. Havent touched one since. Honestly, I have never cheated. And I am so proud of myself. I was smoking a pack, sometimes two packs a day at the age of 24!!! I also quit drinking on the same day. They went hand in hand for me. It has made such a differance in my life. I gained about 5-10 pounds that year, but it was well worth it to me. I love knowing that my kids dont have to be around a smoker, and that they will not have that influence on them as they grow older. And for heavens sake, the cost is a good enough reason to quit now-a-day!! I know you can do it. Just get through about three days without one, and it will be easy from there on out. Dont go places where you would if you were smoking. I had to stop going outside on my breaks at work, because thats where the smokers hang out. You can do it!!! We are here for you:) And you wont believe the differance in your breathing and how ofter you get sick!! Made a huge differance for me.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    i been smoking for last 19 years. in this whole time i quit few times and got back again. i wasnt serious about health then but i am now. i just quit smoking on the 3rd of this month... cold turkey ... i can do it so i can say any one can do it too ... good luck ... happy to support you on your journey ...
  • sadiecara
    sadiecara Posts: 59 Member
    Read Allen Carr's book, The EasyWay to Quit Smoking. It's the best investment I ever made - I've been a non-smoker now for 19 days after smoking for over 30 years, and after the first few days, I've felt great. It can really change your mindset about smoking. Other practical tips - drink LOTS of ice water, and have healthy munchy snacks handy (like apples, carrots, stuff that will satisfy the urge to chew without packing in the calories). Try increasing exercise as a way to offset cravings and to reduce stress (I live for my afternoon workout now :happy: ). No matter what, know that you can do this, and it will be worth the effort.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This, I have been a non smoker for 9 months since reading this... He made it so easy for me to give up, and now I really couldnt imagine ever doing it again. Good luck xx
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Oh, one more thing. My doctor had told me the more things you use the better luck you have of quitting. I know besides the patch they have pills, gum and lounges (probably more things too).

    Tell me your doctor didn't recommend using multiple nicotine replacements at the same time. That is dangerous. As in--life-threatening dangerous. As in--could easily kill you. That doctor should have his license revoked.

    This is not true. It is perfectly safe to use a 24 or 16 hour patch and use low dose gum every 4 hours as well to control break-through cravings. The doctor probably meant that the more strategies you have the better your chances. So journalling, having a quit partner, excercise, having a craving plan and nicotine replacement together make for a successful quit.

    For me:
    1. I quit by location for about 3 months. I stopped smoking at work. I stopped smoking at uni. I stopped smoking at home and then finally I stopped smoking in the car = smoke free life.

    2. I replaced smokes with cups of tea.

    3. I did it cold turkey.

    4. No slip ups are very important.

    5. I ticked off the benefits of quitting smoking on a quit smoking timeline.

    Thats it.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    You can do this!

    I used Chantix and quit 5 years ago. I haven't touched a cigarette since. I was a 3/4 pack a day smoker for 20 years. Was it easy? Not completely, but I really wanted to quit. You will be amazed at how wonderful it is when you aren't chained to a pack of cigarettes and a lighter anymore.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    yay for quitting bad habits. I have never smoked, but I drank. I flipped a switch on Jan.3rd and haven't even desired a drink...well,once, but I drank water and went to bed. Stopping long standing behaviors is tough, but if your mind is ready, you have half the battle won. Good luck!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    oh, and I had to decide what my biggest goal was.To quit drinking, or to lose weight. To me the not drinking was more important, so if I eat more than I should, I know at least it wasn't a beer...but I am still losing weight despite ..