Gym boredom.

So I seem to be getting bored with the gym. I went really strong for over 3 months. For a while I was going 7 days a week. Now I am down to 5. I usually do Zumba and Pilates twice a week on the same night, and then the other three nights Im on the elliptical for 50 minutes. But I am starting to get really bored with the nights that Im just on the elliptical. When I first started at the gym I did 40 minutes cardio and then about 30 minutes of weights, but I stopped because I kept gaining muscle, muscle, muscle. So then I switched to just cardio and Im bored and I feel like Im starting to plateau a little bit.
So the reason for this is to ask, what are some of your favorite routines to do at the gym? Also, do you have any special workouts that really help you with losing inner theigh weight, as well as muffin top/ abs area?



  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    I know how you feel. What has helped me this year (the last 4 weeks) is joining classes at the gym. On Saturday my husband and I do an hour spin class, Monday & Thursday 1/2 hour core class, Tuesday I have 45 minute kick class then 1 hour group power class. I run on Wed & Fri on the treadmil for 30 minutes. On the 5's (5 minutes in then 10 etc) I either run faster or put the treadmill on a high incline for one minute. Sunday is my long run outside (training for 1/2 marathon) I love the classes they make me work out, feel good and make me stronger. Do the intervals on the treadmill makes the time go by faster. And running outside, singing with my ipod makes me happy. Good luck and keep at. Switch around. Join classes and try to workout outside.