Hi everyone!

Well hello lovelies!
I am relatively new here and my goal is to lose 30 lbs! I have had a rough go of it over the last few years what with pregnancy weight gain and such, but I have two lovely children that I am very happy to have and I am trying to get back on track. I had a car accident two years ago which has put me off work and on disability and since then have struggled with chronic pain from my injuries, which makes working out rather difficult, but I am trying to be more disciplined and get back into shape! Best of luck to all of you and I am so happy to be here! :smile:


  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    Hi!..im new..7 days..doing well....its great..add friends for support...good luck:smile:
  • kimmahboo
    That's awesome emmy! I actually just changed my goal, so I have 35 lbs to go, but I will do it!!! It's been rough but I will succeed! :happy: Good luck to you too!!! :heart: