Newbie from Cali, looking for support.

I just finished my first week on MFP and I have to say, I am really surprised counting calories makes a big difference in losing weight.
Normally I would just cut way down on my food intake and try to workout as much as I could during the week. usually I end up pigging out and not losing any weight , in fact, gaining some in the process.
I signed up with the idea of supporting my wife and hoping I could shed a few pounds. Im finding out that I haven't had a clue about what I have been eating lately, and this has been a real eye opener let me tell you.
I will share more about that in the weeks to come, but for now, Im just looking for support for myself, trying to reach out to active, motivated members of MFP to help me with my weight loss goals.
Thanks and I hope to hear from some of you soon.