
so i havent worked out in 3 days...fri i was tired from work and i overate that day...sat again tired from work and ate a little over my calorie tired from doing stuff all day...ate under my calorie goal, but ate twice today. i ate some 2 bowls of posole and a burger and fries at the bowling alley. i know i slacked off and i wont be near my goal of losing weight like this...need help and motivation. my bf had drill this weekend and i usually go work out with him. i am going to workout tomorrow tho cuz i feel like a lazy *kitten* help plz. what should i do to keep on track? feel free to look at my profile


  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I have days like that where I'm exhausted from work... to be honest what I do is just make myself do it. I did the 30DS in my scrubs today because I knew that if I didn't get up and just do it that it wasn't going to happen... I felt so much better after. Once you get into a routine of going it'll just feel like a natural part of your day... so they say ;)
  • Kromero09
    I have days like that where I'm exhausted from work... to be honest what I do is just make myself do it. I did the 30DS in my scrubs today because I knew that if I didn't get up and just do it that it wasn't going to happen... I felt so much better after. Once you get into a routine of going it'll just feel like a natural part of your day... so they say ;)

    i been going almost everyday for about 3 weeks. i lost some and then i gained some back. honestly gaining a few pounds discourages me...what to do?
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    I feel you on the being tired thing! Sometimes coming home from school at 8 or 9 the last thing I want to do is work out. What's worked for me is accountability. I spin twice a week in the evenings and I made it a point to introduce myself to the instructor and get to know two girls in my class. In reality the probably won't notice if I'm not there but in my head I think they will and I would be embarrased if I didn't show. Also, I just decided to make my food diary public to force myself to really think twice about the temptation to over do it. It's easy when it's a secret but when you feel like you're broadcasting your failure to the MFP world, it makes you think twice. I still miss the gym sometimes and I just had a bad food day on Friday but getting called out and the constructive support I get really motivates me to get back in the saddle!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I'm going to be straight up with you. If you really want it bad, you would force yourself to do it! Ultimately, it comes to how bad you want to lose weight. Just think of your end goal and what you want to be. Do you want to be just another person who quits and feels bad about themselves later on? Just force yourself to go! You'll feel better afterward!
  • Kromero09
    I feel you on the being tired thing! Sometimes coming home from school at 8 or 9 the last thing I want to do is work out. What's worked for me is accountability. I spin twice a week in the evenings and I made it a point to introduce myself to the instructor and get to know two girls in my class. In reality the probably won't notice if I'm not there but in my head I think they will and I would be embarrased if I didn't show. Also, I just decided to make my food diary public to force myself to really think twice about the temptation to over do it. It's easy when it's a secret but when you feel like you're broadcasting your failure to the MFP world, it makes you think twice. I still miss the gym sometimes and I just had a bad food day on Friday but getting called out and the constructive support I get really motivates me to get back in the saddle!

    ya i go to school as well. i have a morning class, work at school, go home (workout maybe), school again then workout...doesnt include homework...ya id like more motivation from anyone please. my bf is trying to lose weight as well but it seems easier for him
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Remember tomorrow never comes!! make a change, now, don't start again tomorrow, start right you had a chocolate, lets say....that's it no more start again right now.
    I have those days as well but remember who you are doing this for, keep moving and stay focused AND remember how hot and healthy you want to look after :wink:
  • UltraRoyal
    you need an activity that is both fun and calorie burning. so swimming, going out dancing, sports, or anything thing else, especially if you invite friends!!! think of it as fun and less of a duty. good luck
  • Kromero09
    Remember tomorrow never comes!! make a change, now, don't start again tomorrow, start right you had a chocolate, lets say....that's it no more start again right now.
    I have those days as well but remember who you are doing this for, keep moving and stay focused AND remember how hot and healthy you want to look after :wink:

    i like what youre saying. i cant right now im too tired i have class in the am...but i get what youre saying. my lazy *kitten* for sure is going to the gym tomorrow. i cant be putting off. i guess i can always take the weekend off from working out
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    ya i go to school as well. i have a morning class, work at school, go home (workout maybe), school again then workout...doesnt include homework...ya id like more motivation from anyone please. my bf is trying to lose weight as well but it seems easier for him

    I think its easier for guys to lose weight. My bf stops drinking pop and loses like 10 pounds... I stop drinking pop, go to the gym, watch my calories and gain 2... just means we have to work harder.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's hard... but I have a few suggestions:
    - keep logging regardless of how much you eat or exercise. I find that just writing down what I've eaten makes me more aware (do I really want to write down that I ate 4 cookies? Maybe I'll stop at 2!)
    - don't wait around for motivation to come and find you, it doesn't usually work that way. Make a routine and fit in some exercise even if you don't feel like it. If you can't fit in your regular exercise, try a 15 min walk or a 10 min cardio or strenght routine - there are lots of apps that give you ideas or you could just dance around the house like a crazy thing for 10 mins. Any movement is better for you than none!
    - can you get up 30 mins earlier and exercise in the morning? This works best for me because then I don't think about it, I just do it. If I leave it until after work it is too easy to make other plans or just change my mind and not work out.
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Okay, can I be honest here? I looked at your eat a lot of fast food and a lot of processed foods (ready-made frozen meals). They are all packed with sodium which are going to slow your weight loss, and maybe even cause you to feel tired and sluggish. Try eating more fruits and vegetables. They'll give you more energy. Try to eat three balanced meals a day, and, I know it's not always easy, but try to make your own meals whenever you can. I'm really not trying to be mean...I want to help!
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member

    ya i go to school as well. i have a morning class, work at school, go home (workout maybe), school again then workout...doesnt include homework...ya id like more motivation from anyone please. my bf is trying to lose weight as well but it seems easier for him

    Do you have a friend in one of your classes that would workout with you? When I was an undergrad one of my classmates and I would head straight from our morning lab to the gym. It was really nice to have someone to go with and we supported each other. When that semester was over and we coudn't keep up the same pattern, we both struggled. Buddies are key!

    Also, you can use your busy schedule to your food advantage! I find that once I get home in the evening, I am wothless doing homework so I usually try to stay in the library until 7 which means I often eat dinner at school. For the past week or so I've been packing lunch, snacks, and dinner the night before so I have plenty of time to make good choices. I log everything into MFP as I pack it to ensure that I'm meeting my goals. I leave about 200 calories for a later snack or a few more if it's one of my spinning nights. Staying at school and not going home during the day on my breaks really helps me get stuff done and since I don't have my fridge near me, the choices I made the night before are the ones I eat.
  • Kromero09
    It's hard... but I have a few suggestions:
    - keep logging regardless of how much you eat or exercise. I find that just writing down what I've eaten makes me more aware (do I really want to write down that I ate 4 cookies? Maybe I'll stop at 2!)
    - don't wait around for motivation to come and find you, it doesn't usually work that way. Make a routine and fit in some exercise even if you don't feel like it. If you can't fit in your regular exercise, try a 15 min walk or a 10 min cardio or strenght routine - there are lots of apps that give you ideas or you could just dance around the house like a crazy thing for 10 mins. Any movement is better for you than none!
    - can you get up 30 mins earlier and exercise in the morning? This works best for me because then I don't think about it, I just do it. If I leave it until after work it is too easy to make other plans or just change my mind and not work out.

    i hate waking up early! its bad enough for skool! one of my coworkers (male) is losing weight by eating only pears tuna apples and drinking water! isnt that bad?
  • xstealth12x
    xstealth12x Posts: 43 Member
    ya i go to school as well. i have a morning class, work at school, go home (workout maybe), school again then workout...doesnt include homework...ya id like more motivation from anyone please. my bf is trying to lose weight as well but it seems easier for him

    I think its easier for guys to lose weight. My bf stops drinking pop and loses like 10 pounds... I stop drinking pop, go to the gym, watch my calories and gain 2... just means we have to work harder.

    It's true: men do burn fat more quickly, but don't discount us. Some of us are working just as hard to try to drop some weight, so reading "They don't have to work as hard" is kinda offensive.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    ya i go to school as well. i have a morning class, work at school, go home (workout maybe), school again then workout...doesnt include homework...ya id like more motivation from anyone please. my bf is trying to lose weight as well but it seems easier for him

    I think its easier for guys to lose weight. My bf stops drinking pop and loses like 10 pounds... I stop drinking pop, go to the gym, watch my calories and gain 2... just means we have to work harder.

    It's true: men do burn fat more quickly, but don't discount us. Some of us are working just as hard to try to drop some weight, so reading "They don't have to work as hard" is kinda offensive.

    I didn't mean it to come off that way, and I apologize if it did. I know there are men out there who are working extremely hard... and a hell of a lot harder than me... so props to them.
  • Kromero09
    ya i go to school as well. i have a morning class, work at school, go home (workout maybe), school again then workout...doesnt include homework...ya id like more motivation from anyone please. my bf is trying to lose weight as well but it seems easier for him

    I think its easier for guys to lose weight. My bf stops drinking pop and loses like 10 pounds... I stop drinking pop, go to the gym, watch my calories and gain 2... just means we have to work harder.

    It's true: men do burn fat more quickly, but don't discount us. Some of us are working just as hard to try to drop some weight, so reading "They don't have to work as hard" is kinda offensive.

    I didn't mean it to come off that way, and I apologize if it did. I know there are men out there who are working extremely hard... and a hell of a lot harder than me... so props to them.

    true i understand but i mean my bf and i can be on the elliptical for an hr and ill burn like 400 to 500 calories and he will be burning 1000 its so not fair lol
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    Bump to read later
  • milzu
    milzu Posts: 40 Member
    My trick is, when I get home from a long hard day at work and I really don't feel like going to the gym (and would rather revert to bad habits like wine and crisps), I get changed into my workout clothes, shoes and all. That way I feel like a twit if I'm all dressed up and nowhere to go! Another trick is to tell yourself you'll workout for 10 minutes, and if you want to stop after that, you can. Works every time! Take note too of the excuses you come up with (we all have our standard ones we like to use - too tired, too busy, I'll do it tomorrow, I'll eat less tomorrow), and when you're feeling motivated, write down your responses to those excuses. That way next time you try to tell yourself not to exercise, you'll have no excuses! Best of luck.
  • chicklidell
    so i havent worked out in 3 days...fri i was tired from work and i overate that day...sat again tired from work and ate a little over my calorie tired from doing stuff all day...ate under my calorie goal, but ate twice today. i ate some 2 bowls of posole and a burger and fries at the bowling alley. i know i slacked off and i wont be near my goal of losing weight like this...need help and motivation. my bf had drill this weekend and i usually go work out with him. i am going to workout tomorrow tho cuz i feel like a lazy *kitten* help plz. what should i do to keep on track? feel free to look at my profile

    You need to make your physical fitness and eating changes a priority, until you take it seriously you won't succeed, no one can do it for you. You need to make it important...good luck
  • Kromero09
    My trick is, when I get home from a long hard day at work and I really don't feel like going to the gym (and would rather revert to bad habits like wine and crisps), I get changed into my workout clothes, shoes and all. That way I feel like a twit if I'm all dressed up and nowhere to go! Another trick is to tell yourself you'll workout for 10 minutes, and if you want to stop after that, you can. Works every time! Take note too of the excuses you come up with (we all have our standard ones we like to use - too tired, too busy, I'll do it tomorrow, I'll eat less tomorrow), and when you're feeling motivated, write down your responses to those excuses. That way next time you try to tell yourself not to exercise, you'll have no excuses! Best of luck.

    thanks! thank god anytime fitness is anytime! but right now im doing my econ hw...test in the morning! id rather much be working out than sitting at work for 4 hrs...and i also have another job on weekends and it sucks. idk i like to work out late in the afternoon. i am going to school in yoga pants tomorrow so i can work out after work. i know that if i slack off i have to go workout either way. this weekend was tiring!