
choiland Posts: 2
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
So I am a freshman at the University of Wyoming and am living in the dorms, and when it comes to dorm food everything is bad for you. Does anyone have any ideas for me on how to eat healthier while I'm in th dorms?



  • choiland
    choiland Posts: 2
    So I am a freshman at the University of Wyoming and am living in the dorms, and when it comes to dorm food everything is bad for you. Does anyone have any ideas for me on how to eat healthier while I'm in th dorms?

  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    I don't know about Wyoming, but the college my sons go to have great salad bars and usually a healthy selection of food...The oldest is a football player and very conscientious of what goes into his body, but he eats quite well, I know it can be a challenge, but with a little effort you can do it!!! Best to you always,
  • fitnessperfection
    fitnessperfection Posts: 97 Member
    Gotta watch out for that Freshman 15! Try choosing fresh food options like fresh fruit and veggies (like salads)...all you really need to do is stay away from the favorites like PIZZA and BURGERS! Usually cafeterias on most campuses will offer grilled options like chicken and fish...

    ...but allow yourself to indulge in the PIZZA and BURGERS from time to time so you don't go overboard when you finally allow yourself to eat those sort of things. This website is one of your best tools...monitor your diet closely by logging in your food. At a minimum it will elp you be aware of what you are eating.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    When I was in college the cafeteria had a grill besides the one entree buffet... I frequented the grill more. I had lots of sandwiches with lean turkey and mustard, salad from the Buffet, and requested a mini fridge for my room and had a hot pot for healthy soups. If for some wierd reason I had to go to the main buffet I tried to choose the best I could and just ate smaller portions. And always ask the staff for what is healthy-either they could tell you the healthiest they have to offer or they could get message that they need to provide more healthier options.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:

    Oh, and I jogged to classes and it helped that our dorms were on a hill & the classes were lower... I had to go back to the dorms between classes so I got ALOT of stair work.
  • Hey there,
    I joined this site saying the same thing as you. I live in the dorms at Chico State University and didn't think that it was possible to eat healthy in a dining hall. But in reality, it is all about willpower (at least it was for me). It is very likely that your college offers a salad or sandwich bar which offers a healthier alternative to the fried food served at the buffet. It is up to you to eat smaller portions and healthier options. You can do it!

    Also, It took me a while to resist the ice cream at dinner, but once I started working out, I realized that an ice cream cone completely defeated the purpose of the calories that I had burned.

    The turning point for me was being honest with myself and with this site. Be accountable and log all of the foods you eat. And as further motivation, just remember how much you don't want to gain that freshman 15!

    Good luck!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome MFP. You will love it here. This is a great site. It is so supportive, helpful, and motivational. Everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
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