Colthing rant



  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Why not get the shirts that are long enough and then take them in?? This involves some knowledge of sewing so maybe ask your better half (very nicely) If she would do it? Lol!!
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    i have a problem with clothing too :/ pants are either too big or too small there is no in between :/ shirts dont ever fit right its like they think i have twigs as arms and no tatas :/ then when get them where they about fit up top ther too short >.< gaw im not even gonna get started on bras xD its not a fat or skinny person thing its a my bodys not the right shape for clothes :/ sooo not fair :( lol
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Sounds to me like you should check out some new stores. If you are paying $5-10 for a shirt, it's probably not going to have a great fit.

    I would suggest asking well-dressed friends about their tailors. Yes, you can get your tee-shirts and jeans tailored just like your suits.
  • crazedcujo
    crazedcujo Posts: 114 Member
    I have a problem with pants also - not so much the waist size but the inseam - I'm short and I need 29" inseam... but for my waist size all are 30" in the stores. :(
  • CharityPearce
    Agree with the big and tall shopping. My problem is that I'm between sizes. I'm glad my old jeans are too loose, but the next size down is too tight and I feel uncomfortable alll day if I wear them. So I can either wear baggy, unflattering jeans or tight, unflattering jeans. : ) Hopefully time will cure that issue. Also, I'm broad shouldered for a girl, and have fairly muscular arms (not like a body builder, though : ( ) Anyway, to get something that isn't a tent and still allows me to lift my arms is never easy. Makes me spend way more time shopping than I'd like.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    Try Maximus in Kirkland - they have "tall" shirts. That's where my husband shops for his shirts.
  • JLA1121
    I agree. A Big and Tall store is exactly what you need, and luckily it's now only for the "tall" part.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Same boat here. I'm not overly built, but if a shirt fits m shoulders, it's really baggy around my waist. The stuff that fits is usually of European orgin/sizing/cut. I'm not wealthy enough to buy those brands though.

  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    If your local places only have Big AND Tall, try King Size, online. They have big or tall, as well as big and tall. Most of the men in my family are tall and broad, no matter what they weigh, so it's an issue I've always been surrounded by. You can also buy larger shirts and have them tailored. Dry cleaners usually either offer the service or can refer you to someone.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Thanks All!!!

    Glad to hear I am not the only person with this "little" problem.

    As it turns out there is a store near my home called "Maximus", which is a Big & Tall store. I will give it a look see for "nice" shirts to please my wife and continue to buy oversized cheap stuff at Walmart & Zellers for workout & plain old work!
