


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Im really not sure how to add more calories in my day. Im not anymore hungry then what I have been eating. It doesnt make sense to me to force myself to eat more then I want, to lose weight.
    I have only been counting calories, i guess I need to make sure I have following everything-sugar, sodium.
    And to the person that said I might have a hormone problem...I have PCOS. I took fertility treatments to get pregnant because of it. So that could be a big problem in my weight loss problem.
    I will take everyones advice and check out the websites posted and I will try increasing my calories.
    Thank you again!

    Consuming more calories doesn't mean you have to eat a ton more food. Right now, you are eating low fat yogurt, light salad dressing and low fat soup. You can easily substitute the full versions of these foods to add some extra calories. Aside from that, a handful of nuts, or nut butters, seeds, eggs, avocado, olive oil are a few things that you can add to bump it up without eating a ton of food.

    The big deal is you are tanking your metabolism. Feed the body too little food and it will become better at using the little food it gets, meaning, you have to eat LESS food to lose weight. Also not getting the proper nutrition while eating can lead to muscle loss. Muscle burns calories. Less muscle = lower BMR.
    There are a few links above someone else posted, you should definitely give them a read, they explain pretty well why it is a big deal to eat enough.

    Are you working out? If not, I would suggest it, especially weight training, it does wonders (again, muscle mass = more calories burned)
  • derhea
    derhea Posts: 5
    To amberlangelon- I havent taken adipex in 3 years so I know that has nothing to do with this. The low carb diet might work out better.

    I dont have time to go to a gym and work out so I have been doing my exercise videos- Walk your way thin (I do all 5 miles takes about 75mins), Taebo Abs, I just bought 30 day shred, Booty Ballet.
    The weather is crap or I would run around my 4 acre yard since I have no tredmill. I use 3lbs hand weights as much as I can.