Ladies...personal question...

Ok, so I wasn't sure where to post this so hopefully it's ok here....

Ladies...when you first started working out, did it mess up your cycle? I'm praying many of you will say yes...


  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    My cycle was always very different each month, but when I started working out I noticed I started to get it more on time. So it must have a change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for worse..
  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
    I found that it did... Totally missed January
  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    Ok, I'm hoping that exercise is playing games with mine!
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    coming from a Mom of five... if you are late and have had unprotected sex, buy a test!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I know last June when I started exercising a lot, I had a period that was like...(sorry tmi) literally a tiny barely anything spot one morning and then NOTHING. I completely freaked out as i'm on the pill and usually i'm like clockwork because of that. I took a test and it was negative, so I figured i'd just see how things went the next month, I have been normal since then...I don't know for sure that that was the cause, but it's the only thing that was different. I'd advise taking a test just to put your mind at ease.
  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    I know last June when I started exercising a lot, I had a period that was like...(sorry tmi) literally a tiny barely anything spot one morning and then NOTHING. I completely freaked out as i'm on the pill and usually i'm like clockwork because of that. I took a test and it was negative, so I figured i'd just see how things went the next month, I have been normal since then...I don't know for sure that that was the cause, but it's the only thing that was different. I'd advise taking a test just to put your mind at ease.

    Yeah, I had some spotting but was like a week early. I'm on the pill and only get it every 3 months and it's always super light anyways. But I prob will buy a test just to double check.
  • LorahJo
    LorahJo Posts: 151 Member
    I was.really worried about this too ... iv been regular for 10 yrs like clockwork ... since iv been working out doing the shred and calorie counting i came on 10 days early and still have not.stopped :(
  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    Glad I'm not alone. Gotta love being a woman!!!
  • swiftfox82
    not mine! i think every one is different
  • kaybelmore
    I find it will only cause problems if i make drastic changes or really over-do it on the exercise. If you are taking supplements those can have an effect; excessive soy, primrose (found in EFA's), ginseng, and several other common herbs (particularly any photo -estrogens) can mess up your cycle if you have a sensitive system.

    Stress is a also huge factor too, so save yourself the worry and take a test :)
  • tamerkins2
    Congrats, you are pregnant!!!

    No really, I think it messes up your cycle. Mine is the opposite though and it seems to be heavier and more often since I have been working out. But since I had a baby 6 months ago, that could still be messing it up.
  • bikiniready201
    i take the pill so it comes every month on time but i do notice when im losing weight that it is a lot lighter and sometimes it lasts just for a day or 2. I dont get too worried tho, my DR said thats common when you drop your caloric intake, and in my case I was under 1000 cal some days with weight watchers, so it kinda made sense to me :)
  • poizonivey
    poizonivey Posts: 117 Member
    I am actually going thru this at this very moment. I am about 5 days late and have been working out 4-5 days a week for the past 3 yeah..I am blaming it on the exercise....but in another few days I will buy a test to make sure! Hoping everyone gets theirs soon!!
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    I've seen a change but it was for the better. I was heavy, long lasting and really crampy...since I started working out everything has improved.
  • sarahstoltman
    with my birth control and being overweight I havent had a period since May of last year. I started running and exercising daily, dropped 20 lbs and have now been on my period for 3 weeks blah... everyone is so different. i would take a test just to be on the safe side
  • Keyetta1
    My cycle has totally been thrown off! I wasn't sure what was going on but now that you have posted this, it makes sense! :bigsmile:
  • marquesajen
    Mine became more regular. Previous to working out/eating better it was all over the place. I'd get my period, then go a month and a half without, get it, go a month, get it, go two without. Now I get it every month.
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    My cycle was always very different each month, but when I started working out I noticed I started to get it more on time. So it must have a change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for worse..

    same with me :)
  • MrsJackieH
    MrsJackieH Posts: 151 Member
    yes mine got thrown off, and i am on the pill to and was always like u said clockwork. but after about 2 cycles i was back to a normal schedual :) actually shorter :)
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I haven't had one for 2 years! Woohoo! I heart Mirena!