Start 118lbs. Two weeks of diet and exercise 119.2

I blame myself...and Chinese take-out. But really, it's incredibly frustrating to diet and exercise for two weeks straight, and end up only gaining weight.

I lost and gained weight the first week. I ended up where I started. During the second week, I was consistently losing .2 lbs a day. Exercising on my treadmill 40 minutes, three times a week. That was great, until I decided to eat Chinese take-out. I haven't been to a restaurant for two weeks, and I LOVE restaurants.

I weighed 117.2 yesterday morning. Now I weigh 119.2. I KNOW I didn't eat two pounds worth of food. I stayed within my calorie goals for the day.

This sucks. I'm a sad panda.

Do I have to give up all restaurant food now?


  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    Hi there,

    I've only just started on my weight-loss journey too, but my advice would be to not weigh yourself everyday. Just pick one day a week and make that your official weigh-in day. From all that I've read, your weight can fluctuate up and down day by day, but overall you should have a downward trend. You may not see it so much if you weigh-in too often!

    Don't let yourself get disheartened. We are all entitled to treat ourselves once in a while, so don't feel like you have to stop going out for meals because of one little blip, which will be smoothed out in the long run :smile:
  • gawj1512
    I weigh the same time each week, I've had NO treats, lots of good healthy dieting and exercise and lost precisely NOTHING. I can't figure it out at all. Are you pre-men?
  • pixiexxgirl
    For starters, pick ONE day a week to weigh yourself, otherwise your only going to get disappointed with what you see if you do daily weigh-ins.

    Secondly, what your seeing MAY only be water weight, so just eat right for the next few days and drink lots of water to see the water weight go down.

    And I haven't gave up restaurants, I just get something healthier then what I'd normally get or, go to a restaurant on a free day.
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    I weigh myself every day too. I think it makes me keep myself on track if I go up. Great job on your consistent weight loss!!
    My biggest guess is that you simply retained water. Chinese food is chock full of sodium, and if you were drinking water yesterday there's a good chance you are just retaining water. Stay on track today and I bet you'll see a difference tomorrow!
    Good luck!
  • p0stdramatic
    Chinese takeout=sodium=water retention.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    How much water are you drinking? Chinese take-out is generally high in sodium so it may be water weight. Your weight can fluxuate per day so like others said - pick one day a week and weight yourself.

    Also, don't focus only on the number on the scale. Take measurements - you may not be losing weight but maybe inches.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Water retention. Don't fret.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    do you track your sodium in your diary? I added mine to make sure I'm not going over, it can make you gain water weight literally overnight like this. Plus exercise builds muscle.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Chinese takeout=sodium=water retention.

    Absolutely. I'm betting it will be gone in three days or less.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate by as much as 2-3 pounds on a daily basis, depending on such factors as water retention, time of the month (for women), and other things.

    I found weighing myself only once a week works better, since I got "can't see the forest for the trees" syndrome when I weighed every day (too focused on day-to-day changes). If you still want to weigh every day, then keep track of it and chart your progress. Try not to get hung up on the numbers themselves, but instead, look for a trend. You're going to have your ups and downs on a daily basis, but as long as the line on that graph shows an overall downward trend, then you're doing fine.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    Chinese takeout=sodium=water retention.

    My thoughts exactly. Lower your sodium intake for a few days, make sure you're getting your potassium, and drink lots of water. You'll be fine.
  • blondebandbabe
    blondebandbabe Posts: 26 Member
    weighing every day can make you crazy, believe me, i do it too but i have to remember that anything within the 2 lb range is just water. Also if you exercised for 2 weeks and your alraedy pretty small, you could of gained muscle, which weighs more than fat. try doing your measurements!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Chinese is high in sodium. When you eat an excess of sodium, you bloat/hold water. You didn't gain 2 lbs of fat. You gained 2 lbs of water. Drink a ton of water and try to stay below 2400mg of sodium (daily!) or less.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Chinese takeout=sodium=water retention.

    That is all. Don't stress about it. Drink tons of water today and it'll probably be flushed back out by tomorrow! On your profile you state that age is nothing but a number, so is weight! You're already very light, but I read that you have high cholesterol and some other issues maybe. Let this journey be for health, not the number, for you! I think you'll feel more successful if you see changes in your doctor visits than on the scale :) Hang in there!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Chinese takeout=sodium=water retention.

    Happens to me everyyy time. I retain water like a freakin camel. Right now my fingers are so swollen due to water retention, that it's uncomfortable to bend my fingers :grumble:
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi there,

    I've only just started on my weight-loss journey too, but my advice would be to not weigh yourself everyday. Just pick one day a week and make that your official weigh-in day. From all that I've read, your weight can fluctuate up and down day by day, but overall you should have a downward trend. You may not see it so much if you weigh-in too often!

    Don't let yourself get disheartened. We are all entitled to treat ourselves once in a while, so don't feel like you have to stop going out for meals because of one little blip, which will be smoothed out in the long run :smile:

    your weight can fluctuate day to day but also during the day. As far as I know you are at your lightest in the morning and heaviest in the afternoon. Even taking your weight after a workout you will weigh heavier ! I weigh myself a lot BUT I do have the expectation of the fluctuations.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Exercise causes water retention due to muscle recovery. Sodium-rich foods cause it as well (notoriously high in most restaurant food). You can easily gain/lose 5 lbs of water in 24 hrs.

    Drink plenty of water to flush out the excess sodium and help speed muscle recovery. Weigh only once per week or less, same time of day (early morning is best for most). Ignore the scale when you are pre-menstrual!

    If you are logging your food accurately and consistently, and are meeting your calorie goal, you will lose weight. "Free" days are okay for some, but I can easily eat right through a week worth of deficit in a single meal, so I don't do it often.

    Be patient and persistent! IT WILL HAPPEN!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    your first sentence says it all!
    Healthy choices will get you where you want to be.
  • mrstword
    I got this off a tumblr blog and saved it on my computer when I feel like this way.......


    "One of the most frustrating things I see when perusing the ‘fitspiration’ and ‘fitspo’ tags is when I read posts where girls are freaking out because they’ve gained weight and they’ve been working out so hard and they might as well give up. Trust me, I know what that’s like. My mood for the entire day was once defined by whether or not I had lost weight from the day before. It’s a tired adage - that muscle weighs more than fat, but it’s true.

    Ladies - take pictures & take your measurements. The photos above were from the first day that I went to the gym and then 30 days later. I gained weight.. while it’s only 5 lbs, keep in mind that is over 5% of my starting body weight. However, you will notice that I look slightly thinner in the picture on the right. I also made measurable strength & endurance gains in the gym. There is nothing inherently evil about gaining weight, and nothing inherently good about losing weight. Listen to your body - how much energy do you have? are things that were once difficult now getting easier for you? do your clothes fit differently than they used to? Don’t let an arbitrary number on a scale define your worth. It only has that power if you let it. "
  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    I wouldn't worry. I think you are pretty healthy. I would love to see 119.2 on my scale!