

  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    I highly doubt that soy is so "TOXIC" like you have been saying since shops sell soy/soy products.
  • craftydeb
    craftydeb Posts: 77 Member

    * made of naturally water soluble fiber with no fat, sugar, or starch.
    * contain zero net carbohydrates and zero calories, no gluten -made of a healthy natural fiber called Glucomannan.
    * wheat & gluten free and kosher.
    * Easily absorbs the flavors of any soup, dish, or sauce.
    * are instant and come in a variety of styles
    * have shown beneficial effects backed by medical studies for Type II Diabetes, Constipation, Obesity, and Cholesterol!

    The true Miracle Noodles are not tofu...they are pure glucomannan konjac which have no nutrient value except for fiber, which is the beneficial part of these noodles...I LOVE them too. I didn't know about the actual Miracle Noodles until after I'd tried the tofu ones from King Sooper in CA. The best way to get them is through their website; and in the website, there is a place to search for venders of them as well, rather than having to order the different kinds (which I want to try at least, but my fav is angel hair). I found two places here in town... CO Sprgs.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I highly doubt that soy is so "TOXIC" like you have been saying since shops sell soy/soy products.

    So if a product is sold in shops, it's fine?
    What a great logic!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I highly doubt that soy is so "TOXIC" like you have been saying since shops sell soy/soy products.

    I should be sleeping but i need to respond to this ignorance:

    We live in a society that BENEFITS from making us and keeping us sick.

    If people get sick, the "health professionals" get paid, the pharmaciests get paid, the medical insurance companies get paid.

    The longer you're sick, the more money they make!

    This is called logic. It's pretty basic.

    it's a twisted system, but it's how life is at the present time.

    So why is it so hard for you to fathom that -gasp- THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE ITS GOOD FOR YOU so you buy it and it damages your body. You may not see the effects now, but let it build up. Of course when it does start affecting you, you'll just attribute the problems to something else because god forbid someone should taint the reputation of the sacred soy.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Leave soy alone!

  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    I never said there's nothing at all wrong with soy. I just said I highly doubt it's as toxic some people have been ranting about.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I never said there's nothing at all wrong with soy. I just said I highly doubt it's as toxic some people have been ranting about.

    Shall I reiterate? Okay.

    We live in a society that BENEFITS from making us and keeping us sick.

    If people get sick, the "health professionals" get paid, the pharmaciests get paid, the medical insurance companies get paid.

    The longer you're sick, the more money they make!

    This is called logic. It's pretty basic.

    it's a twisted system, but it's how life is at the present time.

    So why is it so hard for you to fathom that -gasp- THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE ITS GOOD FOR YOU so you buy it and it damages your body. You may not see the effects now, but let it build up. Of course when it does start affecting you, you'll just attribute the problems to something else because god forbid someone should taint the reputation of the sacred soy.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I never said there's nothing at all wrong with soy. I just said I highly doubt it's as toxic some people have been ranting about.

    Shall I reiterate? Okay.

    We live in a society that BENEFITS from making us and keeping us sick.

    If people get sick, the "health professionals" get paid, the pharmaciests get paid, the medical insurance companies get paid.

    The longer you're sick, the more money they make!

    This is called logic. It's pretty basic.

    it's a twisted system, but it's how life is at the present time.

    So why is it so hard for you to fathom that -gasp- THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE ITS GOOD FOR YOU so you buy it and it damages your body. You may not see the effects now, but let it build up. Of course when it does start affecting you, you'll just attribute the problems to something else because god forbid someone should taint the reputation of the sacred soy.

  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130


    ^ Okay. That made me LOL.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member


    Maybe you should try forming an opinion and responding with facts instead of pointless pictures that are completely irrelevant? Just a thought.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member


    Maybe you should try forming an opinion and responding with facts instead of pointless pictures that are completely irrelevant? Just a thought.

    Maybe you should try forming a sense of humor. umad?
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Made with soy! No thank you.

    Soy is a phytoestrogen, which means it messes with your estrogen levels.
    Too much soy every day can cause infertility, thyroid problems and other health issues.

    Soy is a bean, not a phytoestrogen.
    It contains a phytoestrogen in trace amounts. So do many other beans, legumes, fruits, and veggies. The word phyto means "plant." So literally, plant estrogen. All plants have hormones, just like all animals have hormones. Sometimes those hormones end up in the "fruit" of the plant. But soy is hardly special as mentioned above.

    Apple seeds contain cyanide.
    Should we also say that people should avoid apples at all costs?

    I appreciate your opinion, but sadly there are millions of different opinions out there, so I will base MY opinion off of current science. Basing opinions off of unproven conjecture or things that can't stand up to peer review leads us down some very scary paths as a society. So if you can't provide citations that can stand up to scrutiny and peer review, maybe you should re-evaluate your position. At the very least don't expect everyone to listen to you.

    With that said, I think any problems with soy will come from people whose diets consist largely of processed foods which rely heavily on soy fillers and derivatives. A constant influx, nonstop, could have an impact over time. However eating a good diet and occasionally having noodles is not going to hurt anyone.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Um...did anyone else find that these have a...laxative effect? Or is it just me...:blushing:
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Made with soy! No thank you.

    Soy is a phytoestrogen, which means it messes with your estrogen levels.
    Too much soy every day can cause infertility, thyroid problems and other health issues.

    Soy is a bean, not a phytoestrogen.
    It contains a phytoestrogen in trace amounts.
    Sort of like apple seeds contain cyanide.
    Should we also say that people should avoid apples at all costs?

    I appreciate your opinion, but sadly there are millions of different opinions out there, so I will base MY opinion off of current science. Basing opinions off of unproven conjecture or things that can't stand up to peer review leads us down some very scary paths as a society. So if you can't provide citations that can stand up to scrutiny and peer review, maybe you should re-evaluate your position. At the very least don't expect everyone to listen to you.

    With that said, I think any problems with soy will come from people whose diets consist largely of processed foods which rely heavily on soy fillers and derivatives. A constant influx, nonstop, could have an impact over time. However eating a good diet and occasionally having noodles is not going to hurt anyone.

    I hope I'm doing this quote thingy correctly...

    Vegetarians who have horomone sensitive health issues (like cancer or endometriosis) may wish to avoid soy. I say vegetarians because many of vegetarian processed foods and products contain a lot of modified soy, which is said to be even higher in phytoestrogens.

    I am not saying it's toxic (please don't dogpile me! I'm saying avoid or consider) but it can increase symptoms. I was stage 4 endo and I ate a TON of soy...I gave up soy and saw my symptoms decrease substantially.

    I'm not saying avoid the noodles! Just commenting on the phytoestrogen part.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Made with soy! No thank you.

    Soy is a phytoestrogen, which means it messes with your estrogen levels.
    Too much soy every day can cause infertility, thyroid problems and other health issues.

    Soy is a bean, not a phytoestrogen.
    It contains a phytoestrogen in trace amounts.
    Sort of like apple seeds contain cyanide.
    Should we also say that people should avoid apples at all costs?

    I appreciate your opinion, but sadly there are millions of different opinions out there, so I will base MY opinion off of current science. Basing opinions off of unproven conjecture or things that can't stand up to peer review leads us down some very scary paths as a society. So if you can't provide citations that can stand up to scrutiny and peer review, maybe you should re-evaluate your position. At the very least don't expect everyone to listen to you.

    With that said, I think any problems with soy will come from people whose diets consist largely of processed foods which rely heavily on soy fillers and derivatives. A constant influx, nonstop, could have an impact over time. However eating a good diet and occasionally having noodles is not going to hurt anyone.

    I hope I'm doing this quote thingy correctly...

    Vegetarians who have horomone sensitive health issues (like cancer or endometriosis) may wish to avoid soy. I say vegetarians because many of vegetarian processed foods and products contain a lot of modified soy, which is said to be even higher in phytoestrogens.

    I am not saying it's toxic (please don't dogpile me! I'm saying avoid or consider) but it can increase symptoms. I was stage 4 endo and I ate a TON of soy...I gave up soy and saw my symptoms decrease substantially.

    I'm not saying avoid the noodles! Just commenting on the phytoestrogen part.

    You're quoting just fine.
    No dogpiling, by all means do what works for you! Every body is different, and you're the only one who knows what works for you :)

    I agree with what you're saying actually - some vegetarians do consume very heavy amounts of soy (as mentioned above, tons of soy fillers in everything, lots of processed vegetarian foods). Strangely, vegans seem to have less of an issue with this. Also, if you have a thyroid condition, or anything which would make you very sensitive to hormones you should think twice - this is really important for infants because a lot of people want to use soy formula unnecessarily (check out this study: Soy formulas should be a very last ditch effort. But for your average adult in good health, there are no studies supporting it that I've been able to find.

    Now, on the flip side, there has been a ton of research on using soy phytoestrogens as possible treatments for diabetes, cancer, and hot flashes/other menopausal symptoms.

    There are some deleterious effects out there, but nothing to warrant the amount of "OMG SOY=POISON" that we see in almost every soy related post for the past 3+ years on this board :)
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Made with soy! No thank you.

    Soy is a phytoestrogen, which means it messes with your estrogen levels.
    Too much soy every day can cause infertility, thyroid problems and other health issues.

    Soy is a bean, not a phytoestrogen.
    It contains a phytoestrogen in trace amounts.
    Sort of like apple seeds contain cyanide.
    Should we also say that people should avoid apples at all costs?

    I appreciate your opinion, but sadly there are millions of different opinions out there, so I will base MY opinion off of current science. Basing opinions off of unproven conjecture or things that can't stand up to peer review leads us down some very scary paths as a society. So if you can't provide citations that can stand up to scrutiny and peer review, maybe you should re-evaluate your position. At the very least don't expect everyone to listen to you.

    With that said, I think any problems with soy will come from people whose diets consist largely of processed foods which rely heavily on soy fillers and derivatives. A constant influx, nonstop, could have an impact over time. However eating a good diet and occasionally having noodles is not going to hurt anyone.

    I hope I'm doing this quote thingy correctly...

    Vegetarians who have horomone sensitive health issues (like cancer or endometriosis) may wish to avoid soy. I say vegetarians because many of vegetarian processed foods and products contain a lot of modified soy, which is said to be even higher in phytoestrogens.

    I am not saying it's toxic (please don't dogpile me! I'm saying avoid or consider) but it can increase symptoms. I was stage 4 endo and I ate a TON of soy...I gave up soy and saw my symptoms decrease substantially.

    I'm not saying avoid the noodles! Just commenting on the phytoestrogen part.

    You're quoting just fine.
    No dogpiling, by all means do what works for you! Every body is different, and you're the only one who knows what works for you :)

    I agree with what you're saying actually - some vegetarians do consume very heavy amounts of soy (as mentioned above, tons of soy fillers in everything, lots of processed vegetarian foods). Strangely, vegans seem to have less of an issue with this. Also, if you have a thyroid condition, or anything which would make you very sensitive to hormones you should think twice - this is really important for infants because a lot of people want to use soy formula unnecessarily (check out this study: Soy formulas should be a very last ditch effort. But for your average adult in good health, there are no studies supporting it that I've been able to find.

    There are some deleterious effects out there, but nothing to warrant the amount of "OMG SOY=POISON" that we see in almost every soy related post for the past 3+ years on this board :)

    Thanks for not piling... :)

    I used to eat the veggie burgers, protein bars, shakes, faux meats...daily. No one ever told me that my illness could be worsened by soy, and I think I had a decent doctor/surgeon.

    Until my sweet grandma was talking to the hairdresser at her nursing home. She told me that night, (we talked every night), "Barb says that you shouldn't be eating soy since you've had cancer."

    She never understood that I didn't have cancer. She was smart as a whip, but to her, female issues + surgery = cancer.

    But she went on to explain that some cancers were impacted by increased estrogen, and that sent me off researching, and that is how I found this out.

    But you are right, most healthy people do not need to worry about this. It's just that...I thought I was healthy!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I found them at my local Asian store. Be careful when you make them, you have to rinse them really really well before cooking or they will taste heavily of fish.

    This is why I don't like them!!! I couldn't get rid of the smell and the texture was just gross to me!! I threw out 2 bags recently.........I tried them with Hungry Girls alfredo recipe..........
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130


    Maybe you should try forming an opinion and responding with facts instead of pointless pictures that are completely irrelevant? Just a thought.

    Maybe you should try forming a sense of humor. umad?

    I want to friend you. That is happening right meow!
  • LadyFaile
    When in doubt, check snopes.
  • Doomsprout
    I LOVE Miracle Noodles and Miracle Rice! I mix everything with miracle rice to feel more full. you can buy konjac flour as a thickener as well. I get mine auto-delivered monthly from Amazon.