Sugar Questions

Should I be concerned with how many grams of sugar that I am taking in if I am continually going over if I am getting them from natural sources? And not adding them in?


  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    If you're talking about white, brown or sugar in the raw, you need to add them in seperately.

    If you're referring to sugars in fruit, like an orange, then just log the fruit calories, they're included.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    The majority on this site will advise you not to worry about the sugar in fruit or vegetables -- UNLESS you are diabetic, in which case you need to manage those as well.
  • baumangac
    baumangac Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry guess I wasn't clear. What I am wondering is MFP puts a daily sugar count on your daily totals. I am wondering if going over those totals with the Grams of sugar everyday is problematic if the sugars are all coming from natural sources like my fruits and veggies.