Seeking Information on "Why we Get Fat" by Gary Taubes

ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
A comment on a recent thread persuaded me to start this thread.

I've read "Why We Get Fat" and found it an entertaining, informative, and persuasive book. I don't know if all of what Taubes argues is correct. IIRC, he provides the historical background for much of what we take as conventional wisdom and, as is so often true, Taubes demonstrates that conventional wisdom is either wrong or based on false premises.

Other parts of his book, those that deal strictly with nutrition, have been criticized by health care or nutrition professionals as well as by some member of MFP.

This is the comment from a thread that convinced me to start this thread:
Oh based on Why We Get Fat by Taubes?

That entire book besides the part on the lipid hypothesis was a bunch of junk

What parts of Taubes' book do believe are accurate and what parts are not accurate?

Second, and more important, what are the facts that are used to support or contradict Taubes' assertions?

There's an entry in the Wiki on Taubes so that's a good starting place. What other facts or links to medical sources would be helpful in understanding Taubes' book?