Exercises for couples? (not the obvious one)

My girlfriend and live pretty far apart from eachother and only get to see eachother ocassionally. We are both good about eating right while we're away from eachother. But when we see eachother we love to go out and eat and drink. This time when she's here for 2 weeks were gonna work on eating at home with our normal healthy diets and try to work in some more exercise. I have been thinking of things like playing golf, going for hikes and stuff like that. Anyone one else have some good advice thats not "go to the gym"?



  • Mistress_Sable
    Mistress_Sable Posts: 2 Member
    Well my boyfriend and I always try to go Jogging together when we have the chance to work out together since he works nights and I work during the day. You guys can try and get some type of running regimen going every time you see one another & make goals out of it from this time we are going to try and extra quarter of a mile etc..

    Also a fun thing I always wanted to try but he refuses to because he thinks its silly is renting a tandom bike. That way you both are peddling and getting a work out & trying to keep that damn thing from falling since it takes team work ;)

    As you already stated hiking is a great one.

  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Going for hikes is a great idea! Do either of you have a dog to walk? If you live in a city, or near a city, or anywhere where there is sight-seeing, maybe take a walking tour? My city has a great downtown area - a sculpture garden, shopping district and some walking/biking/whatever trails all within walking distance. Don't be afraid to do cheesy touristy stuff!
    I also second biking. My husband and I love going on bike rides together!