Another Newbie

I am a newbie. I just joined a Weight Loss Challenge in my town and I have lost 6 lbs so far. We weigh in once a week and my second weigh in will be tomorrow night. My goal is to lose 80 to 90 lbs. I am embarassed to say that about 5 years ago, I joined Weight Watchers and I lost 80 lbs. I put it all back on plus 15 lbs. I felt at the end I was so obsessed with it and it controlled my life. I couldn't keep it up and within a year or two I gained it all back. My husband and I just learned of this weight loss challenge in town, and we both need to lose. He needs to lose 100 lbs. I am 40 years old, and I need to start concentrating on my health. I have rheumatoid arthiritis, and I just had surgery on my knee for a torn meniscus. I like to walk, so I just started walking on Sat on my treadmill. I hope to build up to about 3 miles a day. Right now, I am walking 1.5 miles.