eating less that 1200 calories?

CW 134
SW 140
GW 120.

Calories Burned From Normal Daily Activity 1,590 calories/day
Your Daily Goal 1,200 calories/ day
Daily Calorie Deficit 390 calories
Projected Weight Loss 0.8 lbs/ week

So, above you see that I wanted my goal to be 2 pounds a week.. and I set it at that, but MFP suggests that I eat 1200 calories a day in order to get all the nutrients ect.. and if I eat back my exercise points then I am still only going to lose .8 of a pound a week. Is it really unreasonable if I drop my calorie intake to 1100? Or should I just exercise more in order to lose it faster. And yes, I know, I shouldn't be trying to get it off too fast.. but I am going to be in a bikini on the beach in the bahamas in less than a month....I know I won't be at my goal by then, but I would just like some tips on what you all would do. or what you have done in a similar situation. Thanks :)


  • larnocky
    larnocky Posts: 8 Member
    I would continue eating at least 1200 calories/day, but I would increase my cardio in order to create a larger deficit. It's important that you realize there is no "quick fix", and that if you want the weight to stay off, it usually takes a longer time period to lose.

    I would stick to foods that have low GI levels - they will keep you full longer, and won't spike your blood sugar.

    That being said, there are other alternatives to increase your body confidence before you hit the beach - I would cut my sodium intake to reduce bloating, sweat it out in a sauna to further reduce the bloat, and get a spray tan prior to hitting the beach. Also, a cute swimsuit couldn't hurt. Work it girl! ;)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You're too close to your goal weight to safely lose 2 lbs per week. MFP sets you up to net an absolute minimum of 1200 calories because that's what's considered healthy. Set your goal for .5 lbs per week. I would not recommend trying to get a higher deficit-- with your current stats you'll likely burn muscle and not fat. Having muscle is good-- it makes you look better and it burns fat more efficiently.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    As far as personal experience: When I joined the site I wanted to lose weight quickly for my wedding. I learned that was starving myself by eating just over 900 calories per day. I had started out at a healthy level but every time I stalled out I reduced what I was eating. 900 cals a day is dangerously low. My weight loss was stalled even with such low numbers. My body was used to eating such a small amount, so when I started eating 1200 cals I gained 2 lbs, but I stuck with it and the weight started coming off. After a couple of months I stalled again and everyone suggested increasing my calories. I thought they must be crazy but I did it and it worked. I looked awesome for my wedding and now my body is getting the nutrients it needs. Don't get into the cycle of restricting so much.
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    You need to eat at least the 1200 calories..and if you exercise you should eat more than that. You're already pretty small and I bet you already look pretty good in a bikini....if you want to "shape up" a bit before your trip, you should try something like the 30 Day Shred! You may not lose lbs (because you will likely gain muscle...IF you're eating enough..), but you will definitely firm up. Some people have had amazing results after 30 days, trying searching in the forums for results threads. That way you can eat AND look good in your bikini.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Just enjoy your trip, and next time learn to plan out your goals further in advance.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you drop your calories too much, you might drop more pounds, but you'l LOOK like you lose more weight if you aim to lose about a half pound a week, because you won't be losing a much muscle with the fat.

    Last time I lost weight, about six years ago, I was a size 8 at 130#. I cut calories too much and lost a lot of muscle mass. I had a muffin top and back fat rolls.

    This time around, eating a LOT more food (averaging a total of 1800-2000 a day) I'm wearing a size 2 or 4 at the same weight.

    So you have to ask yourself, do you want to lose a lot of pounds but look heavier, or lose less pounds but look lighter?