When should I expect to see some downwards progress?

Hi all,
I’ve been trying to lose the baby weight (from having my second daughter in June 2011) and get in shape for almost 5 months now. I’m 5 foot 9 or 175cm and started at 89.7kg (197.3lb) I have had success so far – I’ve lost 11.6kg or 25.5lb (so I’m now 78.1kg or 171.8lb) by doing the old weightwatchers programme on my own (using old books), with weekly weigh ins with some of my friends from work on facebook.
At Christmas I put back on 1.6kg (3.5lb) but have since lost it again plus another 300grams. I have come to a bit of a pause in my journey and so to try and regain my momentum I’ve started logging on here every day and following the mfp way of life.
I am aiming to lose 1.5lb or so a week so my goal calories are 1350, I am also still feeding my almost 8 month old so am adding an extra 400 calories on a day. I’m up to day 5 of level 1 on the 30 Day Shred and am trying to do it every day. I also have got back into my running (I used to be a bit of an avid runner a few years ago) but can only manage once a week (due to having a 3 year old and a 7 month old) I have found that I can still run without needing to walk (well I’ve only tried to run 7km) but have slowed down a lot compared to how fast I used to go. I try to change it up a bit by pretending to be being chased by an axe wielding maniac or wolf to try and get a few fartleks in there. So I earn a few extra calories here and there.
Anyway, my last weigh in was yesterday and I lost 200grams (0.44lbs) which is way down I what I normally average (700grams or 1.5lbs). I’m not too worried as I am pretty happy with what I’ve accomplished so far, but I was wondering if I should expect to see smaller losses or if they might pick up again after a few more weeks on mfp.

Thanks for reading!! (Sorry for the novel – High School English teacher = I just can’t help myself!!)


  • Debbiepearce20
    Awesome job losing 12kg!! I hope you have celebrated this huge achievement with a new dress or a massage or something you would enjoy :-) It's pretty normal to plateu during weightloss, keep being consistent and maybe change around your exercise routine to give you a boost. You'll notice the weight start to drop again eventually, the key is not to give up during the frustrating times of plateu. Good luck!!!
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    I'm gonna be watching this because I am having a similar issue.

    What was suggested to me was that I up my base calories by a couple hundred. So, I'm going from 1200 to 1350. I'm upping the protein percentage and lowering the carb percentage as well. I just started so I don't know if it's gonna work.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Having had a browse through some of the other posts, I think you might be on the money MinaAriel, I think I'll change my setting to lost 1 lb a week and give it 3 weeks or so then maybe change back to 1.5 if things begin to move again.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I lost a kilo this week!! Yay!! (That's 2.2lbs for those non metric people out there).