Reality check with pics... I'm sure I have to lose more weig

Please, see pics below and tell me how much more you reckon I have to lose?

Some people, but mainly my hubby, think that I'm looking great and that I've ONLY got 2lbs more to lose (that would be the weight in which I got married a pregnancy and 7 months ago, now, that was the slimmest I got before the wedding, but I was planning on keeping slim and losing some more weight, unfortunately fitwise I just got pregnant the same week of the wedding. I'm very happy that I managed to fit somehow in the wedding dress, yay!! virtual NSV!! I know I'm very near to my original goal set by my hubby (kept saying he wanted his "wife" back), so it's been him all the way along looking at my tummy and pushing me hard to eat healthy and do exercise... and now, he says, I'm looking all fit and that I don't need to lose any more weight???...

Please tell me, am I anorexic? because when I look at my body I swear I still see loads of fat on my thighs, a very low down bum and still more post preggo tummy to flat down/tone up. LOADS OF ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT

The toned up arms must be from cleaning, and the occasional work out with weights, which I only do twice a month, if lucky. But I swear sometimes I only do cleaning as an exercise, and well, I try to go out and dance as much as possible, as it doesn't feel such a workout with a drink in my hand, loud music and so on.

And I know, in some pics I even shock myself.. "wow, is that me?". My arms are looking fitter than ever, my legs look smaller in pics than how I see them in real life. I thought my goal was to fit in size 10-8 clothes, but I fit on some size 8 trousers, unbelievable? nope.. I think sizes have changed since, as a friend of mine gave me some old trousers size 10 and 8, and they're very very tight, some of that old 10, like my mum, she is quite slim, she gave me a skirt and trousers spanish equivalent to size 10 (38) and I still can join the ends!! however I have trousers from last year I bought in the shops in Spain, meant to be size 10, and they fit me perfectly, so I guess now I have the old 12, I'm not anorexic... but it's true and I can see I'm going smaller, and very happy for myself.. ;D

I'm quite a short person 1.63 cms tall, more or less and this morning I was 60.3. My BMI is Ideal, but going towards overweight, and for once in my life I would like to be in ideal towards underweight, just find out how was my body meant to be, slimwise :D

Please see pics below, please note I hate wearing leggings, they don't look good on me at all, as you can see, but I'm not spending money on working out clothes, because I think it's unnecessary :D

Message board code:
Front pic
Holding tummy in
Real tummy left
Horrible back


  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I think you look great, seriously!
    Well done :]
    You're so pretty, I wouldn't think you were older than 20!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I think now that if you want to lose more weight, you regularly do exercises to tone up too. Although I'm only saying that because YOU want to lose more. I honestly think you only need to tighten up now - Doing something like the 30 day shred really tightens things up. I've got a pregnant belly from 3x pregnancies and it is hard to shift.
    I have read here that sometimes problem areas can be about WHAT you eat not how much/little etc. Some foods increase tendancies to lay down fat reserves in specific places. Have a look into that.
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi MrsNoir,

    I think it is up to you. I'm also 1.63cm and I started at 59kg. I'm now 55kg and still not happy. I wear all my weight on my legs though. I think you are more balanced than me. You asked if you looked anorexic and I would say no, but that's just my opinion. I think you look healthy.

    Whether you need to lose weight or not, exercise and eating healthy food are always good for you. I think you should continue until YOU are happy and not worry so much about what other people think. (^_~)
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    You husband sounds really mean! That's probably the problem!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I know I'm very near to my original goal set by my hubby (kept saying he wanted his "wife" back), so it's been him all the way along looking at my tummy and pushing me hard to eat healthy and do exercise... and now, he says, I'm looking all fit and that I don't need to lose any more weight???

    I think if Mrs_Aperture_Science set me a goal weight and said she "wanted her husband back" there would be a falling out in the Aperture_Science household but everyone is different.

    Personally I think you look great, certainly not anorexic, but it doesn't matter what I or your husband thinks. What matters is what you think. It's your body.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    you look great. its just the old fat you that keeps seeing the lumps. I agree with mrsBlob that you should focus on toning up rather than loose weight if you want to continue. Set your goal on some abs :P
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I agree with everyone else - you look great!

    If you really want to keep improving you can exercise more to tone up, but your figure looks balanced and lovely. Remember that women need to keep some fat on our bodies so that our cycles stay regular.