Can I Ever Get Rid of This Belly Overhang?



  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    where do you get the skin wraps?
  • Queenb62303
    i have a little pouch/over hang, from one baby..then another WITH a c-section scar.. i can just now see the scar without "lifting" anything! all i have been doing is exercising- alot of cardio, and it has gotten smaller. good luck!
  • lpeace2u
    lpeace2u Posts: 94 Member
    These are wraps you can do at home :) No spa needed and they are WAY cheaper then 100-300$- more around $60 for 4 of them :) It's nice that they aren't only available at spas now!

    Can you send me that info?
  • M2khanna
    M2khanna Posts: 3 Member
    Please tell us about your wraps and anythng else you used to rid the stretch marks. Thanks!!
  • mdailous
    I'd like to chime in on this specifically, because the complex carbs counting and cardio are usually the answers, with one addition... reduce the number of complex carbs in the evening. Most of your carbs should be consumed morning/afternoon and/or around your workout time. When you first wake up, your body needs the additional protein and carbs because it's been "resting" for so long (and unless you take some form of casein protein or other slow-digesting protein, you're body has been in a catabolic state during your sleep, which is breaking down muscle instead of fat).

    When you're doing cardio, what target heart rate zones are you utilizing? If your doing an interval type of cardio, where your heart rate will fluctuate for brief periods between the "weight management zone" (which is a misnomer) and the "aerobic" or "anaerobic zone", you'll loose more "body fat". This is because during the "weight management zone", your body will utilize more adipose cells for energy (fat cells), which are more difficult for the body to break down. While in this zone, the heart rate is slow enough that the time it takes to convert the fat cell into energy can be completed before the energy is actually needed (or just in time). During the "aerobic" and "anaerobic" zones, your body will utilize more carbs for energy. This is because your body can convert the carbs into energy much quicker, which is vital when your heart rate is in those zones. If your cardio consists of mostly aerobic or anaerobic, your not doing as much for the body fat content as you are for the calories.

    If you're loading up on complex carbs at night (it's typical to eat a potato or rice or something with dinner, isn't it?), and your not doing cardio before bed, the carbs won't be broken down by the body to be used as energy, and the body will instead convert the carbs to be stored as fat. It's almost a self-destructive cycle and IMO one major reason most people are loosing the battle of the bulge.

    Additionally (as stated previously), having a protein shake right before going to bed will prevent the body from breaking down any muscle to use as energy, and will keep your body fat count lower, preventing the "one step forward, two steps backwards" cycle.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I'd like to chime in on this specifically, because the complex carbs counting and cardio are usually the answers, with one addition... reduce the number of complex carbs in the evening. Most of your carbs should be consumed morning/afternoon and/or around your workout time. When you first wake up, your body needs the additional protein and carbs because it's been "resting" for so long (and unless you take some form of casein protein or other slow-digesting protein, you're body has been in a catabolic state during your sleep, which is breaking down muscle instead of fat).

    When you're doing cardio, what target heart rate zones are you utilizing? If your doing an interval type of cardio, where your heart rate will fluctuate for brief periods between the "weight management zone" (which is a misnomer) and the "aerobic" or "anaerobic zone", you'll loose more "body fat". This is because during the "weight management zone", your body will utilize more adipose cells for energy (fat cells), which are more difficult for the body to break down. While in this zone, the heart rate is slow enough that the time it takes to convert the fat cell into energy can be completed before the energy is actually needed (or just in time). During the "aerobic" and "anaerobic" zones, your body will utilize more carbs for energy. This is because your body can convert the carbs into energy much quicker, which is vital when your heart rate is in those zones. If your cardio consists of mostly aerobic or anaerobic, your not doing as much for the body fat content as you are for the calories.

    If you're loading up on complex carbs at night (it's typical to eat a potato or rice or something with dinner, isn't it?), and your not doing cardio before bed, the carbs won't be broken down by the body to be used as energy, and the body will instead convert the carbs to be stored as fat. It's almost a self-destructive cycle and IMO one major reason most people are loosing the battle of the bulge.

    Additionally (as stated previously), having a protein shake right before going to bed will prevent the body from breaking down any muscle to use as energy, and will keep your body fat count lower, preventing the "one step forward, two steps backwards" cycle.
    BOY am I glad I came back to this topic!!!! I was almost sold on the wraps(probably out of impatience), but I have noticed for the past cpl of weeks of doing interval training I actually have lost off of my belly, but I WASN'T doing the right thing with the carbs. I use the whole grains and all, but I crave them at night so that's something that needs to be changed. This was very helpful, thanks!!:flowerforyou:
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Most of your carbs should be consumed morning/afternoon and/or around your workout time. When you first wake up, your body needs the additional protein and carbs because it's been "resting" for so long (and unless you take some form of casein protein or other slow-digesting protein, you're body has been in a catabolic state during your sleep, which is breaking down muscle instead of fat).

    This is a myth! Eating carbs at night won't make you fat!. Eating too many carbs throughout the day will though. The breakfast thing is a myth too. Fasting actually speeds up metabolism. The eat like a king for breakfast queen for lunch and pauper at dinner is missinformation as well.
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Most of your carbs should be consumed morning/afternoon and/or around your workout time. When you first wake up, your body needs the additional protein and carbs because it's been "resting" for so long (and unless you take some form of casein protein or other slow-digesting protein, you're body has been in a catabolic state during your sleep, which is breaking down muscle instead of fat).
    This is a myth! Eating carbs at night won't make you fat!. Eating too many carbs throughout the day will though. The breakfast thing is a myth too. Fasting actually speeds up metabolism. The eat like a king for breakfast queen for lunch and pauper at dinner is missinformation as well.
    Yep. Facts, with sources, can be found here:
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Where your bodyfat is deposited and how you lose it (overall or in spots) is mostly genetic. Reducing your bodyfat overall will help you lose the belly.

    BUT, there's an old saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen." .

    There's a book called the Flat Belly Diet. I have quite a lot of weight to lose, but I'm able to lose from my stomach by following some of the principles in this book (not all of it, and I'm not on their "diet.")

    Basically, unprocessed foods, combined with eating more healthful foods like nuts, whole grains, leafy greens, etc. I don't go overboard, but I notice a difference.
  • Angelangi
    I have overhang also, but even when i was at my lightest/slimmest i had it.
    My problem is when i was pregnant i got so many stretch marks so the only way i would ever have a tight tummy again would be to get a tummy tuck.
    If you are blessed with elasticity in your skin you will be ok and will be able to achieve this. If like me you have a belly full of stretch marks, it wont happen. Still,, better to be slim and have the bit of a hangover than be fat with one :))
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    OK this is NOT me

    its another MFP member who posted pictures of her weight loss sucess and I saved the photos for inspiration. In the pics u can see a bit of belly overhang and IDK how she did it, but once she reached her goal she looked fantastic!1 I tried finding her on MFP to ask her the secret but I can not find her anywhere! (if someone else finds her profile or knows who she is please let me know, i really have some question about the keys to her sucess lol)
    As a courtesy, I'd suggest removing those until you have her permission to do so. Sure, she may have posted them in another thread, but they are her pics and she knew where she was posting them.

    In addition, there are legal issues involved with using pictures without the owners expressed permission. :flowerforyou:

    Guessing you two were the jerks that reported it as well.....
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    OK this is NOT me

    its another MFP member who posted pictures of her weight loss sucess and I saved the photos for inspiration. In the pics u can see a bit of belly overhang and IDK how she did it, but once she reached her goal she looked fantastic!1 I tried finding her on MFP to ask her the secret but I can not find her anywhere! (if someone else finds her profile or knows who she is please let me know, i really have some question about the keys to her sucess lol)
    As a courtesy, I'd suggest removing those until you have her permission to do so. Sure, she may have posted them in another thread, but they are her pics and she knew where she was posting them.

    In addition, there are legal issues involved with using pictures without the owners expressed permission. :flowerforyou:
    Guessing you two were the jerks that reported it as well.....
    Jerks? Would you appreciate having your underwear pics saved to someone's computer and then re-posted w/o your permission?

    Regardless, the site guidelines and mods agreed that it was inappropriate and removed them. Take your beef up with them, Champ.
  • ShilohMaier
    I used to subscribe to a fitness writers blog who said it's absolutely possible and that it's just a matter of reducing your body fat to a low enough percentage. He said, "squeeze what's hanging over, and I guarantee you'll feel fat in there, it's not just an empty pouch". Well, I got myself down from a size 28 to a size 1 over a period of two years. Cardio/weights consistantly. And you know what? I still had so much loose skin I had to tuck the flap into my pants. It hung off my arms so badly I couldn't fit my arms into most shirtsleeves. I lost 130 pounds, and was so depressed about looking like a deflated balloon I put about 60 pounds back on just to fill the skin in. At least looking overweight is somewhat normal in appearance. But now I'm saving money for the surgeries to have everything tucked, so I'm working on getting this blasted weight off again. If you only have a pooch, you probably can reduce your body fat down enough to get rid of it. If you have an actual flap from losing a massive amount of weight though, surgery really is the only option.
  • o0sunshine0o
    I think eating a very clean diet and doing some serious strength training may help, although it will probably still be there until you are down to a low BF %
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
  • Krissi72
    Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
    Inresponse to the "skin tightening wraps": You can get them at most tanning salons. They run about 100 bucks. I negotiate with the tanning rep. and always get a deal. I bought 2 for 40 bucks. They make you sweat unbelievably crazy. It didn't seem to do anything for me. I was trying to lose a dress size before my friends wedding. It's supposed to help you lose inches fast. FALSE!
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    I can't help but cringe when someone refers to their stomach as "pooch".
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Well this thread was sort of a depressing read. I have had a large belly since my teens (25 now) that started to "hang" a bit 3 years ago, with faded stretch marks all over it. I don't aspire to have a six pack, but would love to be able to wear a bikini without feeling self conscious once I'm at my goal weight. I will continue my habits of clean eating, drinking water and cardio/weight training, and hope for the best, I guess that's all I can do.
  • leanne54321
    Hey, I'm Leanne. Lost 22lb in 4 months since been on this. I now go to the gym 4/5times a week but still need motivation. I have no desire to lose much more weight. At 5"7 and 8st13lb Im at a comfortable weight. But I want to get toned and lose body fat. Motivation is a huge thing for this! I really need to lose my tummy, it's the only thing getting me down.
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member