How do you stop the cravings?

Hi all, I'm after some advice and tips.
How do you stop yourself wanting bad, fatty foods?
All I can think about is wanting a takeaway – the only thing that stopped me last night was I couldn't decide what type of takeway I wanted.
Does anybody have any special tricks to stop craving the bad stuff.


  • That's a good question. I will do great one week and the next want a piece of candy or french fries. I am proud of myself tonight by not indulging in my wants.. very tough though... tricks would be great!?
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Drink more water .... i find the more water i drink the less I crave the KFC and chocolate that formerly controlled my life.
  • TrekCat
    TrekCat Posts: 48 Member
    I have a My Diet Coach app on my phone that gives me a 15 minute timer when I have a craving - it even has a "I give Up" button if I decide to bail! The idea is that if you can put off a craving for 15 minutes, your body/brain/life will have a chance to go on to something else. Plus, this app has a ton of "talking points" that you can set up to remind you at various times during the day why you are holding back. Very cool for me as I get easily thrown.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    There was a good post yesterday about URGE SURFING which you could search for - it got me through my crazy last night.
    You could also try cooking a healthy version of what it is you want so much.
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Have a glass of water and do something else. if you still want it 20 mins later then have a small portion of it - dont sweat it too much - cause that will make it worse.
  • Saxmis
    Saxmis Posts: 84
    No tricks, I'm afraid, just self control.

    Sometimes I can help with the cravings by having what I want but just in a different way.

    French fries = sweet potato fries baked in the oven with seasoning and low cal spray oil.
    Pizza = Portobello mushroom (with the stalk removed) with crushed tomatoes and low cal soft cheese (small amount) with veggies and protein on top.
    Chinese = low cal stir fry (lots of vegetables and protein) with seasonings/low sodium soy sauce and no noodles or using spaghetti squash or the 0 carb noodles.
    Indian = Curry sauce made out of a low sodium stock cube, curry powder, a small spoon of mango chutney and raisins/sultanas with as much veg. and protein as I like. No rice, served like a stew.
    Kebab = Lettuce leaf wrap filled with protein and veggies with hot sauce.
    Burger = Low cal. burger. (I'm veggie, so I go for veggie ones, but can be turkey or other low cal. meat) made in a portobello mushroom bun with lettuce and salsa and I sometimes add low cal soft cheese or low cal hummus.

    Can't recall any other fast foods at the moment, but those are some of the things that I eat instead so as to satisfy the cravings and avoid the fatty stuff!

    It's not really such a bad thing if you do indulge every now and then, just don't do it every day and try to stay under your calorie limits or do some more exercise to balance it out. Just remember to drink more water to counteract the sodium =)

    Good luck and stay strong!
  • jamerl
    jamerl Posts: 5
    The cravings have gotten less for me. I found when I come home from the grocery store I try to cut up my fruits and veggies. Making them a just' grab and snack '. Sometimes I am terrible and don't do this and thats when you go looking for the junk. Also I try,try is key word, to keep myself busy...yard work,house work,excerise. Its not always easy and like my lil sis says" tommorrow is a new day". Try a treat day...once a week maybe...kind of a reward just don't over do it
  • Thanks guys this is brilliant, I like the idea of the 15 minute time out on the app. Gives you time to re-evaluate what I want to eat.
    Maybe I’ll leave the pizza tonight then.