A question about "Aunt Flo"

I don't know where else to post this so if it's in the wrong category my apologies.

Ever since I was 12, (I'll be 25 next month) my time of the month hasn't been, well, monthly. It shows up whenever it wants and stays gone for however it wants too. When I was younger I was told that it was normal, and it'd get regular as I get older. Well I got older and still month and months without a period. I saw my doctor recently because my husband and I are considering children. I asked him about it, and he said it had to do with my weight. I know I'm no skinny Minnie and I'm considered obese on the BMI scale but I didn't think I was that bad. I'm 192lbs and am 5'6". So my question is: are there any other women around my age and weight that are that irregular? I can up to 9 months with no period at all.

Does that seem normal to anyone else or do you think I should seek a second opinion?


  • im about 215 now. 5'6 as well.and my periods have been regular. sometimes can come a few days early, or later through the months. but it stays around the same area. so..im not sure why you'd go so long without a period.
  • I used to have that problem, could go 6mo without one. The pill made it regular and for whatever reason since I've had kids it has stayed regular w/o the pill. I don't think it's normal but you're not alone if it helps.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I've been heavier than that and shorter than you.. always! lol But always 'regular' 28-30 day cycle. Personally I'd ask to be checked for polycycstic ovaries or explore other reasons - I'm by no means an expert, but my friend has PCOS (polycystic overary syndrome) and has really irregular periods. She has 2 children so don't think that means no babies, just made it a little harder for her to figure out when to 'try'.

    Hope you can find out a little more info and good luck in the baby dept.
  • amyofftherecord
    amyofftherecord Posts: 64 Member
    I've been obese my whole life and have never had regular periods. My doctor put me on the pill to try and regulate them, which worked, but whenever I'm off the pill I can go months without one, and then it can last two weeks or a weekend. My weight is a factor (another being my thyroid), and it's gotten better as my weight has gone down. I'm still heavier than you, but now I generally get one every other month (-ish) for about five days.
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    The most important question is are you ovulating. Your period is just one part of the process but the important part (if you want to have children) is to know if you are ovulating. Tracking your temperature, using ovulation testers are all ways you can look into your cycles without your GP. Normal healthy couples can take 12 months to get pregnant and as such, fertility doctors generally won't want to hear from you until at least this amount of time has passed. I suggest when you're ready, just go for it! Have unprotected intercourse as much as you like and see what happens.
  • squidgely
    squidgely Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with the above post. I know a fair amount about this because I had trouble with irregular periods for ages. It is linked to the rise and fall of certain hormones in your nody, triggered by events such as ovulation. If you're thinking about children, you need to be more persistent with your doctor because your cycles will need to be regular to give you a good chance every month to get pregnant. It needs to be as close to regular each month to give you an idea of when an egg has been released so you can get pregnant.
    I had acupunture in the end to regulate my periods, I was dubious about it but to be honest, it was the best thing I ever did. I had periods fairly frequently before but I didn't know when they were going to happen. I started acupuncture and suddenly didn't have a period for about 60 days. I was worried but the therapist told me not to worry, it was normal to miss a period while my body clock reset itself. I thought she was crazy! But, next month, bang, I had a normal timely period, and the same every month after that. I have two kids now! Plus, my skin cleared up and my moods improved.
    Get back to the doctor and push them into checking out whats going on!!
  • squidgely
    squidgely Posts: 29 Member
    Just to add, my doc didnt have a positive view about the acupunture, I did that off my own back when I got frustrated. My doc thought it was a waste of time! I had the last laugh on that one.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    I am 214 at the moment and 5'8 and I have exactly the same problem. I have never been regular and it has never settled down. I asked my nurse the other day about it and she giggled at me and said that whoever had told me that it would settle down was just trying to pacify me, shes 52 and doesn't have regular periods. I am sorry hunny, but this is one thing we have to just learn to live with