Question for people who run...

I just started to run some on my treadmill. I was pretty out of shape but now that I've lost some weight - about 27 pounds total I'm able to do it. When I first started, I was jogging by the time I hit a speed of 3.5 on the treadmill. (I'm short 5'3" so I have short legs) Now I can walk at a 3.5 and run at 4 - 4.5.

I run almost every day for 30 minutes which is about 2 miles for me. Its pretty much my max right now I feel like I'm going to die around 20 - 25 minutes, but I push myself to 30 minutes. There is a charity run in my town at the end of March. Its 4 miles and I thought it would be a fun goal to see if I could do it. Any tips on how to turn my 2 miles into 4 miles without feeling like I'm going to die by the end of the run?


  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I just started to run some on my treadmill. I was pretty out of shape but now that I've lost some weight - about 27 pounds total I'm able to do it. When I first started, I was jogging by the time I hit a speed of 3.5 on the treadmill. (I'm short 5'3" so I have short legs) Now I can walk at a 3.5 and run at 4 - 4.5.

    I run almost every day for 30 minutes which is about 2 miles for me. Its pretty much my max right now I feel like I'm going to die around 20 - 25 minutes, but I push myself to 30 minutes. There is a charity run in my town at the end of March. Its 4 miles and I thought it would be a fun goal to see if I could do it. Any tips on how to turn my 2 miles into 4 miles without feeling like I'm going to die by the end of the run?

    Up your session by just 100 metres everytime you run on it.

    You have until the end of March, that is plenty of time. I am sure you will do fine, just take it easy.
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
    Just push yourself an extra minute or two every day and you'll get there!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Yes, I know!!! Slow down. I'm short too, 5'2"ish.. Slow down.. it's not a race. You want to run the whole 4 miles.. so slow down :)

    I know when I run at 4.5.. it feels so hard and I don't run as long.. but when I decrease it to 3.8-4.2.. I enjoy it more and I can go 60 minutes easily.

    It's not a race.. just a good run :) After a couple of races and when you are ready, then increase your speed. I've been running since July 11 and I still haven't gotten used to running at 4.5 easily.. but I think that will change once I can get back outside again.

    Don't be afraid to slow down.. I'm not sure what everyone is in a hurry for IF it if uncomfortable.. don't burn yourself out and HAVE FUN!! :)

    I should also add, that the speed will come on race day. It's something with the anxious feeling and a bunch of people running around you that will speed you up. Right now, on your own, you just gotta make the mileage, not the time. Good Luck!
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Yes, I know!!! Slow down. I'm short too, 5'2"ish.. Slow down.. it's not a race. You want to run the whole 4 miles.. so slow down :)

    I know when I run at 4.5.. it feels so hard and I don't run as long.. but when I decrease it to 3.8-4.2.. I enjoy it more and I can go 60 minutes easily.

    It's not a race.. just a good run :) After a couple of races and when you are ready, then increase your speed. I've been running since July 11 and I still haven't gotten used to running at 4.5 easily.. but I think that will change once I can get back outside again.

    Don't be afraid to slow down.. I'm not sure what everyone is in a hurry for IF it if uncomfortable.. don't burn yourself out and HAVE FUN!! :)

    I should also add, that the speed will come on race day. It's something with the anxious feeling and a bunch of people running around you that will speed you up. Right now, on your own, you just gotta make the mileage, not the time. Good Luck!

    Thank you so much! I laugh at the calorie counter here - it says jogging starts at 5.0... I don't think my little legs could sprint that fast! lol
  • mtperry9
    mtperry9 Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, I know!!! Slow down. I'm short too, 5'2"ish.. Slow down.. it's not a race. You want to run the whole 4 miles.. so slow down :)

    I know when I run at 4.5.. it feels so hard and I don't run as long.. but when I decrease it to 3.8-4.2.. I enjoy it more and I can go 60 minutes easily.

    It's not a race.. just a good run :) After a couple of races and when you are ready, then increase your speed. I've been running since July 11 and I still haven't gotten used to running at 4.5 easily.. but I think that will change once I can get back outside again.

    Don't be afraid to slow down.. I'm not sure what everyone is in a hurry for IF it if uncomfortable.. don't burn yourself out and HAVE FUN!! :)

    I should also add, that the speed will come on race day. It's something with the anxious feeling and a bunch of people running around you that will speed you up. Right now, on your own, you just gotta make the mileage, not the time. Good Luck!

    What she said. Just enjoy the run, add a little distance or time as you go (every day, other day, week, etc) ... whatever works for you.

    I think it is a great goal for you to try, kudos. Plus once you register, you'll see your motivation to accomplish the goal increase.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I would also suggest doing some runs outside. I run better outside than I do on the dreadmill. It is different so you will want to train outside as well...and don't be discouraged if you struggle with it at first. It will get better.

    Good luck! It's awesome to have race goals.
  • daylynee
    get in some outdoor runs and try interval training -- walk for 2 mins/jog 4-5 until u complete the distance. gradually work ur way up to walk 1 min/jog 4-5. it's the best way to train for road races!
  • pollyrana
    Download a C25K program podcast (you can get them free on itunes, find one with music), if you are able to do that. It worked for me. Try to do some runs not on the treadmill (cause it's different). I even joined a couch to 5k group and love it and now am training for a half marathon. That really helps! It also sounds like what you are doing now is working too though so
    Good luck.
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    You could try one of those couch to 5K plans but maybe start on week 7 or so since you are already comfortably running 20-25 min.

    Also huge tip that I learned recently is put an incline on the treadmill while you run of .5 to 1.5 the added work will more closely mimic the road and decrease the momentum that the treadmill gives. This will better prepare you for the difference between road and treadmill running.
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    I would also suggest doing some runs outside. I run better outside than I do on the dreadmill. It is different so you will want to train outside as well...and don't be discouraged if you struggle with it at first. It will get better.

    Good luck! It's awesome to have race goals.

    LOL "the dreadmill" I love it! There are definitely times I dread getting on that thing!
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    Remember, your goal is to complete, not compete! Even slowing down to a light jog will get you to the finish line! I find I can go a lot longer if I keep my pace manageable. I joke that I "got passed by some guy out walking" (it's not quite that bad!), but that strategy makes a 3 mile run something I'm comfortable doing. And yes, gravity works different outdoors! Make sure to try that before the run. Good luck!
  • barwwd
    barwwd Posts: 63 Member
    You'll also find that running outside distracts you more from that feeling that you are going to die. And it is way more fun. Increase your distance each week (no more than 10% a week) and you'll do great! Good luck!!
  • missleah26
    missleah26 Posts: 146 Member
    Others have posted some great advice, and I totally agree. My biggest hurdle was getting off the treadmill... once I started running outside, I enjoyed it SO much more. It's great early in the morning when the sun's coming up (so peaceful) or in the evening to wind down from work. I ran my first 3 races last fall, and the high you get when you cross the finish line is AMAZING. Makes you want to do another race right away-- total addiction.

    Enjoy it! The goal is to finish, and there's honor in that. That's always my goal too :)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    intervals. They are great for training yourself to breathe correctly, which in turn will help you with distance.
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    I like the couch to 5k idea and also the interval run/walk one. Both work great. I don't do road running just yet, need to get down a bit more so my knees don't cry "mercy!" if I run. I do aqua jogging instead. Good luck with your goal!!

  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Thanks everyone! I do look forward to running outside. In general I enjoy walking and running outside much more. I struggle with finding a place to run that feels safe. We live in a nice neighborhood, but I always have my mom's voice in my head listing off the ways someone could kidnap me, kill me, rape me or any combination of those. LOL
  • trilvr
    trilvr Posts: 22
    get a gymboss and do the galloway method : )
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    My tip is to sign up and pay for it! I find/found if i paid for it, i dont want to waste money and i WILL train for it!
    Good luck to you
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I just started to run some on my treadmill. I was pretty out of shape but now that I've lost some weight - about 27 pounds total I'm able to do it. When I first started, I was jogging by the time I hit a speed of 3.5 on the treadmill. (I'm short 5'3" so I have short legs) Now I can walk at a 3.5 and run at 4 - 4.5.

    I run almost every day for 30 minutes which is about 2 miles for me. Its pretty much my max right now I feel like I'm going to die around 20 - 25 minutes, but I push myself to 30 minutes. There is a charity run in my town at the end of March. Its 4 miles and I thought it would be a fun goal to see if I could do it. Any tips on how to turn my 2 miles into 4 miles without feeling like I'm going to die by the end of the run?

    I'm 5'0 and can run at 5.7...just keep at it and the speed will come. I can run this speed so far for 20 minutes, but I haven't pushed my self recently. Good luck!!!
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    do intervals after a couple of miles min run min walk and so on and just build on it - you will do it