i finally found my motivation

well everybody i'm starting the 30ds tomorrow and i've spent a week wondering if i'll be able to stick with it. then last night i decided to take my measurements and i was horrified to discover that my thighs now measure the same as my waist did when i was eighteen.
now don't get me wrong i don't want to be the same size as i was back then because i've developed hips since then and if my weight drops below 147 i start to look anorexic. my point is that i still have the gown that i wore to my debs ( prom) and over the last couple of years as the weight has crept on i've often joked about how i could probably only fit one leg into the gown now. little did i know how right i was.
i've now spent all morning looking down at my thighs and i've gone through a whole range of emotions. it has now made me all the more determined to stick with the dvd.


  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    You can do it. Use yourself as motivation. I'm a strong believer that motivation comes from within. The 30 Day Shred seems to be a really good workout, I'm thinking of doing it as everyone seems to be raving about it. Best of luck x