day 60 p90x no weight loss

hi i am doing p90x and dieting but i as of yet have not lost any weight at all! i started on 17 st 11lbs or 249 lbs and am exactally the same weight but i do feel fitter and stronger and have noticed the effects on stamina muscle tone and general well being but i just cant seem to shed the fat to SEE a real difference.

any advice on this would be very appreciated.

thanks john


  • Hello John, Hang in there. Sometimes it takes more than a few weeks before you start seeing any results. When I began my exercise program, I didn't see any change for the first 3 weeks and then I started getting results. Don't give up!
  • Your results depends on your starting point and your eating habits. And what were your goals with it? Its a resistance training workout so it can actually bulk you up if you lift too heavy. Also, did you take your measurements? You may be getting smaller without weighing less since muscle is much more dense than fat. If you want to loose weight with it, perhaps you should do the version where you do the 2 workouts per day adding one cardio workout to each day. Those instructions are in the packaging.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I've only been doing it for two weeks but I also expected to see some more weight loss. I've been below on calories everyday as well (not too low, i.e. don't give me that starvation mode talk) and haven't seen any scale movement. It's a little disheartening although I can tell I'm getting in better shape because I did this week's exercises much better than last week and my reps are going up.

    Guess that doesn't help you but maybe I'll get the answer from this thread as well :)
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Hi John great commitment, but to say dieting, what is your bmr, are you eating under/over? By how much? What are your macros like? Do you partake of alcohol, etc How tall are you? Do you have cheat days? Conversely do you have days you don't eat a lot?

  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    Hi John! Did you do any measurements when you started? The thing about P90X is that due to the gain in muscle you may not see much if any loss...

    I would expect that you should see some loss in weight so you probably need to adjust your calories or clean up your diet. There is a tendency to eat more with this program because you are working so hard and gaining muscle. Bring your calories down a bit and keep going. It is worth it and you will get great results. Also, make sure you are drinking lots of water.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    How may cals are you eating? Don't follow their diet. Also, you will be gaining muscle and holding water. Do measurments, its the only way.

    I saw a big drop after I finished 90 days and stopped working out.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Did you take pictures? I am sure if you compare, you will see a difference. I weighed 163 last year at this time, trained all summer for a half ironman, and still weighed 163 at the end of September. I took before and after pictures and could see a completely different body even though the weigh didn't budge.
  • DirtbikeGal
    DirtbikeGal Posts: 61 Member
    I do P90X as does my husband. You should surely take measurements. My hubby did and found the scale was stuck but he lost body fat% and inches. Then the next week he would gain inches....showing the loss of fat and the gaining of muscle.

    The bulking up and leaning out is directly effected by calorie intake. If you have good mass covered by fat, create a small caloric deficit....not too much as it will be counter productive. If you are a thin person and want to add mass you have to eat a surplus.

    Awsome program!
  • assbow
    assbow Posts: 4
    hi all thank you very much for all the comments . my BMR is 2,122 but i usaully eat around 1600 cal/day and i know i dont quite eat to my cal limit but as far as cheat days go in the past 60 days i have had a few. i do the classic P90X six times a week. i try to eat as healthily as possible but as i work nights my scheadual is quite strange as breakfast is at around 2am and lunch about 8-9am and so on. i have taken photos and i see the difference on my shoulders, back and arms but the "gut" looks worse and slightly pregnant lol as for the man boobs the less said the better.
  • DirtbikeGal
    DirtbikeGal Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, just checking back...glad you told us what your eating. You are eating WAY too little...I think your body is hanging onto fat because your pushing it into starvation mode. Heck Im eating more than you and losing, and Im a girl. Ok, lets go over a few things:

    BMR=calories your body needs to survive if you we're stuck in be in a bare essentials to keep body functions going.

    Then you have to look at how active you are besides exercise. Do you have a physical job?

    Then you have to look at the calorie expenditure for your planned work out routines. Tony says to use 650 calories as a good estimate. And you work out 5-6 days a week with p90x.

    So depending on how active you are along with your exercise...your multiplyer will be either 1.55 or 1.725

    (BMR) 2122x1.55=3289 TDEE(total daily energy expenditure)calories
    (BMR) 2122x1.725=3660 TDEE(total daily energy expenditure)calories. This is how much your burning total per day.
    You have to then create a deficit to lose fat. So discount calories by 20%

    So you have to choose your activity level and that will determine how much to eat.

    Either way you should be eating 2928 or 2631. You can see that you are starving your metabolism. Hope this helps.
    Make sure is good clean food as your body is looking for fuel for your workouts :)
  • assbow
    assbow Posts: 4
    thank you dirtbikegal thats really helpful and i do a rather physical job aswell. my main problem with the required calories is how do i eat that much as i find it hard to eat the amount i do now while keeping a clean healthy diet?
  • Amberelise40
    Amberelise40 Posts: 11 Member
    I did class P90x last summer. I didn't calorie count my first 30 days and saw ZERO weight loss. It was so frustrating with working out 6 days a week for over an hour!

    And the pictures! I didn't notice a single difference.

    By the end of day 60 it started to really kick in, though. Now I wish I had stuck with it, because it worked amazingly. Be aware, though, the classic is NOT for weight loss. That's a side product.

    Btw - re starvation mode which is super popular on these forums I've noticed:
  • DirtbikeGal
    DirtbikeGal Posts: 61 Member
    Ok starvation is a broad term used to say slowing metabolism. Not sure why anyone would want to continually eat less and less and less? Just not getting that. Why not eat 20% under what your bodys total output is for the day, feel content, have plenty of fuel for rigerous workouts. Also, too much of a deficit your body starts to go from burning just fat to fat and muscle mass. You dont want to lose muscle mass as IT plays a huge role in driving your metabolism.

    You want to make sure and eat alot of protein. Have it in each snack and meal. Since you work nights your eating schedule is really wonky. Typically they say eat a good sized breakfast. Try a scramble with redskin potato diced (way better 4 u than white or russet), with green peppers, onions, and then scramble in 3 eggs. Your getting good carbs, and 21g of protein pair that with a slice or 2 with whole wheat toast and your good. HOWEVER if your eating breakfast before bed you wan to eat your lightest meal the closest to bedtime. So for normal people eat more at breakfast, a little less at lunch and then a good portion of any lean meat and veggie for dinner. If you are still hungry have a greek yogart, protein shake, or cottage cheese.

    You can get your calories up with good complex carbs (breakfast & lunch only), nuts, fruits, lean meats, ect. You can cook up a dozen chicken breasts in the oven so you can bring them to work. They also make really good pull tab tuna and salmon in a can and they have different flavors.

    Anyway, Hope this helps. Its frustrating putting in the effort without results.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    How may cals are you eating? Don't follow their diet. Also, you will be gaining muscle and holding water. Do measurments, its the only way.

    I saw a big drop after I finished 90 days and stopped working out.

    just curious why you say "dont follow their diet".
  • just a quick update and a big thank you to Dirtbikegal and everyone else who has posted, i followed your advice and upped my workouts to an extra cardio and upped my abysmal cal intake and have seen an instant result and have lost 5 lbs in 2 days.

    i will continue to "bring it"
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    How may cals are you eating? Don't follow their diet. Also, you will be gaining muscle and holding water. Do measurments, its the only way.

    I saw a big drop after I finished 90 days and stopped working out.

    just curious why you say "dont follow their diet".

    I think its too much if your plan is to loose weight. It seems to be more of a bulking diet. I had better results losing weight not following their diet. I am refering to the calories not the foods.