Getting up early to workout

Anyone have any tips at all on how I can get my butt out of bed in the morning to work out??? I generally get enough sleep at night but just can't figure out how to get myself up earlier than I really need to be.


  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Do you workout with music? I download a new song or two the night before so I have something to look forward to in the morning. I only do morning workouts once or twice a week though.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Here are the tricks I've used over the years:

    - Keep your blinds slightly open, it'll let the sunshine into your room in the morning
    - Put a timer on the lamp on your nightstand, the light will pop on when it's time to get up
    - Set multiple alarm clocks and place one across the room so you literally HAVE to get up to shut it off
    - Remind yourself why you're doing this and WANT it bad enough
    - Put motivational pictures, post-its, notes, etc, near your bed, in the bathroom, etc, to remind yourself
    - Make sure you really ARE going to bed early enough to get the right amount of sleep. No matter how motivated you are, if you really haven't gotten enough sleep it won't matter.

    Good luck! Morning workouts are the best!! :)
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I do a fairly early morning workout every weekday morning and the only way I can get myself up and motivated is with an app called Alarm Clock Extreme which makes me do maths questions before I can put it on definitely works! Once Im up I find it fine, its just actually getting up out of bed thats the problem for me!
  • bsalvato
    bsalvato Posts: 63 Member
    Now, how do I do all this without disturbing my husband!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Now, how do I do all this without disturbing my husband!

    I'm sure he's willing to just roll over and face the other way if it means helping you get healthy. Or better yet, make him get up and work out with you!
  • ShelbyBeck414
    I'm in the same boat...I get up early but my husband sleeps for a few hours longer...SO...what I always tell myself is "just put your FEET ON THE FLOOR'....I KNOW its so hard to swing your little legs out from those warm covers, but if you can just DO THAT...get your feet on the floor and stand up.....its all downhill from there. :)
    Also, I tell myself 'If you don't do it now, you will have to do it tonight after work'...and thats the LAST thing I want to do. :)
    You should be proud of can do this!