Snowy London - It's almost fun walking


I'm Cathy, I'm here because of my doctor, not what you may think, I had a cold sore, he made me use his new weighing machine in his office, I knew I was overweight so I said, "ok how overweight am I then?", he said "you mean how obese are you? (tongue in cheek obviously, as we get on very well and I'm always giggling), "ok then how obese am I and what can I do about it?" his reply did it all, it was

"at your age, nothing" (is 60 old because I certainly am not)

That done it, but how, I really didn't want to start yet another diet, fast or otherwise.

My friend Lisa found that I wanted to diet and use my WII fit and do the Zumba.

After a few days she told me about 'myfitnesspal' for my Iphone, I didn't want a diet I wanted a new lifestyle.

So here I am.

I just love this site, it's so easy and a lot of work has gone into it (I used to write programs and sort out databases for a living, so I know what I'm talking about here) and if someone can put this much work into something for so many people then surely I can put a little work into it for one person.

That's it for now and I'm glad to be here.


  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    Is it snowing in London?! I'll add you. I've got lots to lose.
  • cascatz
    Well done for losing12lb, and yes it is, the tiniest snowflakes I've ever seen, where are you then? They say we'll all have snow by Friday.

    How much have you got to lose, (oh and what do I call you, lol, chocchip sounds soooo rude, especially if you can't eat them) ?

    I've got to lose at least 2 stone - again- it just gets more and more every time you try, all my clothes are size 16-18 and there are very many clothes to get rid of (12 wardrobes) so I normally give up half way and my excuse is, "oh well saves me throwing away so many clothes".

    Now no more negativity I say, let's just get on with it Cathy and stop moaning, it's going to be fun, espcially the WII Fit, bowling, Tennis and pretending to be a penguin.

    Bye for now - supposed to be working - soon then.

  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, Cathy,
    I'm Faith, and yes, I think this site is amazing and free! I turned 70 last year, and realised how heavy I had become when I had to get about on crutches after a fall at the end of October! Nearly off them, and am now almost 20 lbs down on when I fell, though only 6 on MFP, as I only joined just before New Year.
    Check out the groups - there are ones for UK people, 50+ people - and you will soon find lots of 'friends' who will support you!
    Welcome aboard, and good luck with getting in shape for retirement!
    Cheers, Faith (Flora and Wanda are my first two names, which I don't use except here!)