Snack Ideas


I was wondering if anyone could share some healthy snack choices...other then fruit...i have a major problem with snacking....Please Help!!!


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    whole wheat crackers with cheese

    caramel rice cake with natural pb

    hummus and veggies

    salsa and veggies

    baby carrots with low fat ranch

    smoothies made with milk, frozen fruit, and yogurt

    yogurt with 1/2 cup whole grain cereal

    dry cereal

    air popped popcorn

    deli meat wrappeda round a pickle



    oatmeal--instant works great for portability (better than most SNACKS but i'd use old fashioned if you can)
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I like a Caramel Rice Cake with a tablespoon of peanut butter, or a tablespoon of peanut butter on an apple or banana.

    A string cheese and a piece of fruit is good, or a hard boiled egg with a piece of fruit.
    Eating protein with something else helps you stay full longer.

    A Greek yogurt, I like the 2% kind, I think the kind with a little fat keeps me full longer. Top with chopped fruit and or nuts/granola/something crunchy.

    A couple Laughing Cow light cheese wedges with some lower cal crackers. I like Trader Joe's mini savory rice crackers (30 something for like 130 cals) or Wasa Crisp and Light (long like a graham cracker, 20 cals each)

    Veggies with low fat dip