How many cals. do you burn jogging at 4mph?

Hi everyone, I am starting to jog to try and burn more calories. I am trying to start slow, and work my way up. I have heard that running is a great way to loose weight. If anyone has any tips on breathing, or how to keep my stamina up while running I would love to hear from you. Yesterday I was able to jog for 15 minutes at 4mph. I would like to know how many calories I burned, but the calculator olny starts at at 5mph.:drinker: :drinker:


  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone, I am starting to jog to try and burn more calories. I am trying to start slow, and work my way up. I have heard that running is a great way to loose weight. If anyone has any tips on breathing, or how to keep my stamina up while running I would love to hear from you. Yesterday I was able to jog for 15 minutes at 4mph. I would like to know how many calories I burned, but the calculator olny starts at at 5mph.:drinker: :drinker:
  • Xannthippe
    Xannthippe Posts: 126 Member
    I've found this to be a problem as well, and would also be curious about the answer.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • kiki75
    kiki75 Posts: 5 Member
    Options has some great info on their website. I'm trying the Couch to 5k plan.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    In Googling ... this is what I found:
    4 MPH Light Jog/140lbs burns 350 calories per hour

    So maybe someone who's good at math can figure that one out for your weight ...
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    Enter in walking at 4mph, that will give you at least a decent estimate.

    I started running not too long ago as well, and am currently training to run my first 5K this summer with a goal of finishing in under 30 minutes.

    Two pieces of advice. First, make sure you eat about an hour before you run. My favorite pre-run snack is a chocolate vitamuffin top and a banana. With a good store of energy, my run seems like a breeze. Second, go at your own pace, but set your goals for the week ahead of time, as far as how long you are going to run and at what speed. Stretch yourself a little at least once a week, I think you'll be amazed at what you find you're capable of. And always remember... the urge to give up comes right before you are about to succeed. I have to tell myself this at least twice during each run, and when I do succeed, man, it sure feels great!
  • persian_dancer
    you can search jogging or running on MFP and trust it there, but if you aren't sure about that I'd go to this website: I got it from a friend on MFP and I really like it when I'm really not sure about it on here. Also I have asthma and running for me is a scary thing. I would start out walking 5 min. running 5 min. and continue like that while setting a goal for a day like 1 to 3 miles each time for awhile and then up the amount of miles or the amount of time running until you feel ready to completely just run.
    Skim through the pages on this article:,7120,s6-238-244-258-6851-0,00.html
    It gives you some good details on running and what you should do starting out. I hope this helps!!! :drinker:
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    thanks everyone for your great advice!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The reason why there are no charts that list a 4 mph jogging speed is because there is no consistent biomechanical/physiological data upon which to generate a formula. There are too many variables and too small a sample size.

    Someone below listed an estimate of 350 cal/hour for a 140lb individual. That's as close as anything. Multiply your body weight (in kilograms) by 5.5 to get calories per hour. That will do until you get your speed up to 5.0 mph!