Body By Vi

Sooo - My friend had me try one of her Body By Vi shakes and it was delicious! I was looking at the nutritional values and it doesn't look bad.. especially if you use Almond Milk and fruit to mix with it. I figure it's a good source of vitamins/protein for days I don't have much of an appetite or want a quick meal. What are y'alls thoughts on this product??


  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
  • kportelli70
    I love them! I drink 2 a day every day. ;-)
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have a Visalus shake for breakfast out of convenience... I use 2 scoops, skim milk, and frozen fruit.
    It fills me up for about 3 hours, but I need a mid morning snack to make it to lunch.

    I don't mind the program, but for me its sole convenience. It's expensive though so I may not get more.
    Herbalife is just as filling and it's already flavored so you don't have to add fruit in if you don't want too (I use to have a banana on the side to get some 'chew' factor in)

    ps - It doesn't taste good on its own, it's sick lol
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    I love them! I drink 2 a day every day. ;-)
    I'm definitely considering buying the basic kit - they taste better than any protein shake I've ever had! Almost like a Steak n' shake milkshake.. Mmm
  • sarahstoltman
    I have been on the challenge for 35 days and have dropped 20 lbs and 5 inches on my waist :) I have not gotten sick of the shakes and they fill me up just fine... Im pretty excited for day 90 and I probably wont stop there. It has been very hard for me to learn how to cook healthy dinners every night. To come up with bfast and lunches too would just throw me off. They are convenient for me and so far the only thing that is slowly teaching me how to live a healthy lifestyle :)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I used them for about 2 months to help me get a better eating schedule. My routine before them was breakfast, starve all day because I'd get busy at work and didn't have anything healthy here, then go home and eat from 6pm to bedtime...then I started working out and would do the same, but then eat from after my workout to bedtime. DIDN'T work obviously. So the Vi schedule helped me get more in the mindset of preparing a bfast and lunch shake, having a midmorning and midafternoon snack, healthy dinner, and after dinner. I started "eating clean" in the last month or so because I felt that it was needed for me to learn more how to fuel my body with real food, but I think they are great and if I was in a pinch and needed to find something filling and nutritious. Hope this helps!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    My experience is as follows:

    I have a bunch of friends "back home" on face book that are pushing the stuff. I keep hearing about how great it is yadda yadda yadda. I did not need it for weight loss since I was at my goal weight, but decided to purchase a bag for a 2 week trip to hawaii we were going on in October of last year. We are very active and do a lot of exploring and hiking. I wanted something that we could make fast to get our nutrition in me, as I have been known to fly off the handle if I am hungry :)

    When I got my bag I decided to try it out, OMG it was so delicious! I decided to use them as a meal replacement every day after my work out. I made it with a cup of almond milk and a cup of frozen berries, some times other splashes of juice like acia or a naked green machine or something like that,. This ended up being around 200 calories and with only 12 grams protein. The premier nutrition ones I was getting from Costco was 160 calories and 30 g protein.

    Long story short, I found myself some how gaining weight on this product and became VERY constipated using it. When I cancelled my auto ship, I did not compete their survey as to why I was cancelling so they shipped me another bag, so I go back on, not realizing that I must answer this survey before they will cancel auto ship to do it again, once again, not knowing that I must fill out all the answers as to why I wanted to cancel, it kicked it back and shipped me ANOTHER BAG. I finally had to call the company and have them stop the auto ship and request they take my credit card number OUT of their computers.

    I kept hearing about all the benefits from this product and quite honestly, I did not have a good experience. But then again, I was no where near being over weight.

    I do not suggest this product to anyone that does not have major weight to lose. I think it is a good option for people that have had gastric bypass, but that is about it. I know of others that had the same experience, but I am not going to speak for them.
  • sjlocklear
    I went from a size 16/18 to a size 12/14...I'm no longer doing them though b/c I started having an issue...
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I think all shakes are great for quick meals and things but what happens after you lose the weight? These past 29lbs i have taught my self to eat the right way with real food. When i was younger i lost 60lbs with slimfast but gained it back plus some when i stopped drinking them.
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    I'm doing the 90 day challenge and I love it so much that I jumped on board to promote it. However, my experience with it IS awesome. In 3 weeks I lost 12 pounds and 10 inches total. Lots of my friends are doing it too and having great results and especially a whole lot of energy to spare. I'm going on the Vi-Pak. I tried it and it made my body function SO MUCH BETTER. It's a great way to just get into a new lifestyle really. Keep up the good work all those rockin that 90 day challenge! :)
  • dencher
    dencher Posts: 11 Member
    I've been using the product since June 2011. I enjoy a shake every morning mixed with 1/2 cup frozen berries and 1/2 cup frozen banana and water. It's like a dessert for breakfast. I really like it even though it's quite expensive. It holds me over until lunch everyday which is perfect when your busy. I know the company suggests using 2 shakes per day for weight loss but for me....I need to chew real food so I still enjoy lunch ans supper.
  • smurfee11
    Lots of people in my area pushing it too. But i have to be honest and say that yes is taste good, but its expensive and compared to my protein its lacks alot. Its more like a snack than a meal. If you are someone that has bad eating habits and need a structured plan and need to lose alot of weight its ok. But at some point you will need to eat again and thats where people gain the weight back.
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    Thanks for all these great stories of success & opinions!