HRM Cheststrap/pacemaker

I just bought a HRM, I chose not to get one with a chest strap because I have a pacemaker which basically means that, I can not keep a cell in my shirt pocket on the left side of my chest or talk on the cell phone on my left. I can not ever have an MRI, I can not go through airport security and just various other question does any body know anything about the HRM chest straps?? Is it something that could interfere with the pacemaker?? Is there anyone out there who possibly has a pacemaker and knows about this as I am pretty new to the whole pacemaker thing, it's only been since the end of September. I'm welcome to any & all suggestions, I will also be talking to my cardiologist about this.


  • You can call the company that made your pacemaker any time, and can call your doctor anytime when unsure. Think about it this way, a pacemaker is a huge investment. And it's your life too.

    (I know because I had a pace/defib put in in October this year)
  • jgarf4me
    jgarf4me Posts: 33 Member
    Defintiely call your pacemaker company. also, i don't know how old your pacemaker is but when you get the battery replaced, you may be able to get an update pacemaker that allows you more things. I jut had one last week and i can have an MRI