Anyone have Barry's Bootcamp?

Over the last few years that I've tried to get into better shape I've acquired a few fitness DVDs one of those is the Barry's Bootcamp Hollywood Fat Blaster workouts. I've only used it once and it just about killed me. I've been working out for about 2 months now and feel that I could probably tackle them without having to stop too much. Not going to get a very effective workout if I keep stopping every 2 minutes.

I was wondering if anyone else out there has them as well? Or maybe you know someone who does? Do you know if they work? I never used mine long enough to really get any results. Thought I might see if any fellow MFP-ers have used it. Thanks!


  • shutter_bug7783
    Over the last few years that I've tried to get into better shape I've acquired a few fitness DVDs one of those is the Barry's Bootcamp Hollywood Fat Blaster workouts. I've only used it once and it just about killed me. I've been working out for about 2 months now and feel that I could probably tackle them without having to stop too much. Not going to get a very effective workout if I keep stopping every 2 minutes.

    I was wondering if anyone else out there has them as well? Or maybe you know someone who does? Do you know if they work? I never used mine long enough to really get any results. Thought I might see if any fellow MFP-ers have used it. Thanks!
  • MissesOfficer
    Never done that, but I am doing Mel B's tottaly fit at the moment.. its easy to follow but still kicks your bum. I really like it... I've lost 14 pounds in just over a month by doing that and walking (and watching what I eat of course).
  • shutter_bug7783
    Never done that, but I am doing Mel B's tottaly fit at the moment.. its easy to follow but still kicks your bum. I really like it... I've lost 14 pounds in just over a month by doing that and walking (and watching what I eat of course).

    I've heard that Mel B does a good workout. I'm just starting to get bored with my current workouts and I need to change it up a bit, so I thought I'd break out some of my old fitness videos.

    Congrats on losing 14lbs! That's great! I've lost about half of that... but from my absolute heaviest I've lost 20lbs.