"Eating" away my workout!

I just had a revealation. For the last 30 days I have been tracking and working out 4-5 times a week. My calorie goal is 1300. I lost 2 pounds and have been stuck there. I have been thinking that it is okay to eat back the calories I burn off during a workout. Of course writing it down I see how obviously counter productive that is but in my mind I thought it was logical. Could this be why I have only lost 2 pounds and maintained that weight instead of losing more?


  • jestersvk
    Well If you are using only MyFitnessPall to calculate you calorie burn during the exercise then there is a big chance that you don't really burn that much and therefore if you eat back what you think you burnt, you might be actually eating more. I was unpleasantly surprised after I bought an hear-rate monitor that the MFP estimate was WAY off (it showed about 300 calories more for an hour of swimming).
    Since the I usually eat only half of the exercise calories back so that I'm definitely sure I don't overeat.