Working out at Home Help Please!!



  • angel_north
    angel_north Posts: 51 Member
    Lady I know cold also I am in Alaska and we just broke a 3 week -20 to -30 degree cold spell. One thing you don't want is cold joints and muscles.... As far as your heart rate start slow and build up your minutes. Try 1-3x's a day to build up to longer times. Maybe that might help. Worth a try??
  • ccchick
    ccchick Posts: 11 Member
    If you like to walk, but can't due to the weather, check out the local mall. Most open their doors early in the morning (before the stores open) and stay open until 9pm. Its a great place to walk especially if you have knee problems and you will never miss out on any sales!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Do you have the space for a x-trainer or even tredmill at home? I don't personally where I am now but borrowed one years ago when I had the space and it really worked to have it by the TV. I had set programmes I'd exercise through and it really worked as I didn't concentrate on what I was doing but what was on the TV! lol Sounds like you enjoy walking so maybe thats the way to go?

    Good luck finding something.. I'm off to google Nerd Fitness now! lol
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I walk a lot which is great cardio and will help to you to strart running. You can then move onto the c25k which is a running programme.
    Good luck
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    I agree with LeanMachineDream, Pop Pilates is actually really fun. It's low impact, but it's also really hard.
    Another good low impact, quiet exercise to do at home is yoga. Also, once you have the mat, ANY exercise you do on it is going to be more quiet for your neighbors. I live on the top floor of an old apartment building, so it's a concern of mine too.
    If your building's stairs are pretty solid, you can try going up and down them a few times. It's a good warm up and sometimes even gets me winded. Go as fast as you can, then do like 10 jumping jacks or squats or whatever before heading back the other direction.
  • ValHallaGirl
    ValHallaGirl Posts: 73 Member
    Yep, i have the same problem!! There are spots where it's not as creaky but it's all wood floors here but, everyone else it noisy as heck here anyway! I still worry about the noise, even when i can hear people snoring from another apartment(and every other little noise). I think i might be okay until someone complains about my workouts. I always try to be quite when doing them anyway.