cant get the calorie counting down

I diont think I eat alot until i log what i eat!


  • bcnewell27
    bcnewell27 Posts: 21 Member
    lol yeah it's amazing what's in the stuff you eat. As part of my initial diet change I gave up sodas....well that was the plan anyway and then i got a major caffeine craving and had a 16oz...logged it and was like WHOA i could've eaten yogurt lol. What do you need help with?
  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    Cut back all un-natural sugar (meaning anything except fruit), eat lean meats, low fat dairy, high fiber, cut your processed carbs (white bread, white rice, etc. and switch to more whole grain carbs), and eat more veggies.

    Drink lots of water. At least 1/2 your body weight in ounces.
    Doing this can help keep you full and will naturally cut your calories down because you won't need to eat as much to be full.

    This is what has worked for me.
  • I'm the opposite :/ Started logging today and I've had under 1200 cals today.... not good
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I find it really helps to log what you plan to eat ahead of time, that way you can make changes if you need to.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    it just takes time.. keep at it and each day it will get a little easier.. now I can go all day without logging and then before I go to bed I put in everything I eat and I am surprised with how well I can stay within my calorie goal... after a while you can look at food and just know how many calories it is LOL.

    It may be helpful to pre-log your food. so before you go to bed log your meals for the next day it takes all the guess work out of it and makes things much easier :-)
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    I try to log before I eat. That way if I'm planning to many calories I can see it spelled out and can delete some before I eat.
  • Are you able to plan ahead? That's what I have been doing. I then know what extras I may have for snacks.
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    calorie counting helps you see what you eat, then from there, you modify what you eat so that it fits into your calorie allowance. Have a small fry rather than a large. Skip the soda and have water, or a diet soda if you MUST have soda (that's what I do). I was shocked when I started counting my calories and realized just how much I was eating in a day.
  • Platnex
    Platnex Posts: 110 Member
    A lot of it is portion control, as a test, get yourself some scales and some mesurement cups, make a normal every day meal and you will see just how easy it is to go over the recomended amount.

    If over eating is your problem start maybe looking at upping your intake of water and have a salad before a meal and eat slowly it will make you feel fuller, quicker
  • Hmmmm, that's a good idea.
    I can get quite obsessive with food, I had anorexia when I was 17. I think this site will help me realise I don't have to go to extremes ever again!
  • oldsoul918
    oldsoul918 Posts: 110 Member
    I find it really helps to log what you plan to eat ahead of time, that way you can make changes if you need to.

  • I find it really helps to log what you plan to eat ahead of time, that way you can make changes if you need to.

    This is what I try to do. If I have an idea of what I'd like to eat that day, then I go ahead and log it to see where it brings me with my calorie totals. That way I can adjust the portions or even make substitutions if I need to.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I look up the food BEFORE I eat it.

    It helps if you have the app on your phone, but if not, check out options for the next day depending on what you have available or where you will be going, so you are prepared.

    On the rare occasion that I skip that part, I have been surprised how bad it was.

    Nothing is worse than hitting my calorie goal at 3pm on accident. Like the wrong coffee order....110 cals or 720?? Ugh.
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    Most of us don't really think about the calories we put in our mouths. It's amazing what substituting mayo for mustard - or leaving a piece of cheese off of your burger makes. Little changes make a huge difference!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Easy - log before you eat.
    I plan my whole day ahead of time - and if I'm not sure what we're having for dinner (like today when my husband will cook) I just add in some quick-add calories to allocate those calories and fill in the details later.
    Once my day is planned, if things change I can see where I can make adjustments to make the day balance out (or not!)
  • beachbumant_man
    beachbumant_man Posts: 48 Member
    how many calories are you having per day? well pre loading is important to see how many calories you can have..
    for snacks don't have any fruit juices only have fruits/vegetables rice cakes or crackers.. smaller portion of food, it is all about balancing, if your having too many calories how is your exercise routine do you need to increase more?
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I spent the first 6 months on MFP running to log in BEFORE I ate anything. You would be very surprised at how much that condiment, sauce, or butter on your toast adds up.
    Do this for a while until you find your groove . . . .
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    I pack my breakfast, lunch, and snacks the night before, and log everything then. That way, I know exactly what I'm going to eat and how many calories it will be, so I'll know how much I have left over for dinner - and sometimes dessert! ;)
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    You should plan your daily meals and log everything in advance. This can help, or log as you go along but NEVER log everything at the end of the day. Hope this helps and best of luck!
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    Planning in advance helps. You may not be eating a big amount, but what your chosing could be high calorie. Try eating lots of fruits, veggies and lean meats.. and stay away from processed foods. You'll find your able to eat WAY more and in range of your calorie target. Good luck!:flowerforyou: