Private Profiles



  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    Im open to people seeing my pictures and profile and will share other photos that I cant place on here,nothing dirty just showing a little more skin.People can do what they want,we are all on here for advice and help to lose weight.Why be private about it..
  • anyonebutmehaha
    My profile is private, though friends can see it.

    I chose to make it private because clients in my professional life are likely to search me, and I don't want them to know details about me personally. I don't want my personal and professional lives to mix, and I don't want clients to know that I get pumped when my trainer touches my muscles and tells me I look strong.

    lol, wait! you mean your real name is grapenutSF and clients could find you here?
    (btw- i have fake name for that reason, well that and using your real name on internets is dumb).