Anyone else suffer from anxiety/depression/painful health co

I have to deal with all of these on a daily basis and it would be great if I could have more friends that have the same type of issues. Especially people who deal with pain on a day to day basis. I need more support and motivation for when I have bad days. Please add me if you do :smile: and also if you don't. I need more friends in general! Thanks!


  • KickingDarkness
    I suffer from anxiety and have other mental health problems also. Have suffered both depression and severe long term pain (car accident) in the past. Feel free to add me if you like. :)
    Also there are a couple of mental health groups on here as well where you might find more like-minded folks.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    ive been suffering with anxiety all my life pretty much ..and alittle bit of depression. Its gotten way better tho. I am on meds which help my anxiety somewhat.

    I to was in a car accident bout 12 years ago and it messed my back up that im losing weight and excersing my back seems to do better! but neways im here for anyone! all the motivation and support!!
  • mshortcake622
    mshortcake622 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks guys. I will definitely check that group out, didn't know there was one :]
  • struggeling53
    struggeling53 Posts: 36 Member
    I suffer everyday with pain, anxiety and depression, I have since i was 27. Please add me to your friend list.
  • cheleken
    cheleken Posts: 1 Member
    Yup, anxiety here. And I just joined last week so I only have one friend. I'll take more! I also have arthritis everywhere because I have limited scleroderma- if I don't have a headache then something hurts. Feel free to add me, I give good sympathy!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    I have anxiety/panic disorder.
    I also have a bone cyst in my right leg, while it does not hurt constantly when it does hurt it hurts. If I do too much stuff (such as when I played soccer or ran in track) it would hurt. Or even just a full day of walking I would get pains (like at cedar point in sandusky, oh.. its an amusement park) to the point where I start walking with a limp and just want to stop.
    we're already MFP, but on some stuff I do know where you are coming from!
  • pinkfink
    pinkfink Posts: 21 Member
    I suffer from off again, on again depression and have recently developed some anxiety issues. Feel free to add me!

    Also.... What are some of these groups named??? I'd be interested in joining too!
  • kswaid3
    I have suffered from anxiety and depression a great deal. I am on meds now to help but it still can be difficult at times! If you need any support, you add me! I just started myfitness pal today and have found the information and people to be quite helpful!
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I have anxiety/panic disorder and costochondritis. When both are driving me crazy it feels like my world is caving in.
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    I have PVNS, a rare knee condition that caused tumors in my left knee and thigh. I had surgery in November that left me with atrophied muscles and nerve damage. I have consistent pain and walk with a limp. It makes exercising hard but the exercising is what is going to help my leg recover in the long run.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Hey! I've been diagnosed with both depression and anxiety.

    I sure don't let it get to me, though.

    Well, when I can help it. :D
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have a very rare genetic bone disease called Multiple Congential Osteochondromatosis or Hereditary Multiple Exostoses (it's so special it has 2 names). Basically I have bone and cartilage tumors on every joint in my body. I have had major orthopedic surgery many times, and can only look forward to more in the future.

    I've also been diagnosed with Clinical Depression and Chronic Fatique Syndrome.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i have generalized anxiety disorder, manic depression, and im a hypochondriact... AND PEOPLE WONDER WHY I LIKE TO DRINK??? LOL just kidding, but i was prescribed lexepro, and it seemed to help alot... i do not take the meds anymore, and my symptoms do come and go, but not very severe. you just have to find some coping skills that work FOR YOU! there are ways to control your symptoms, it just takes time! good luck to you!
  • KickinBooty
    I was also injured in a car accident and have PTSD. Joy of joys right. :) I'm learning to take it step by step and one day at a time. Even if somedays the only step is getting out of bed.
  • krisremiker
    I take an anti depressant . Around christmas time usually every year the seasonal depression is at its worst. I can cry for no reason at all. It was very bad this year. A few weeks ago after doing research i increased the amount of vit d that i take. that really has helped me alot!.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I suffer from anxiety and migraines I have to be on meds for migraines are so bad at times they cause me to be sick to stomach and in bed most of day but I usually can't with 2 kids so its hard. My anxiety causes panic attacks sleepless nights . If u wanna add me feel free
  • mshortcake622
    mshortcake622 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, thanks guys. It definitely makes me feel better to know that I'm not alone. Sometimes it just feels like some people don't understand.
  • beautifullyblessed16
    Feel free to add me! I was diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety order last summer. I am 28 and dealt with a lot over the past 5-6 years. I am on meds (generic zoloft 50 mg) but am working my way off them by my 30th birthday next year. My anxiety/depression is mostly situational due to stress with grad school but now I am working toward a new level in my life, I am starting to feel more positive about my goals (especially seeing my fitness progress) and am learning to have a better grip on reality and life. I am more than happy to support anyone who needs some encouragement or simply a virtual ::hug::
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everyone. It's awesome to be here! I've been diagnosed with severe depressive disorder and anxiety as well as osteoarthritis and sarcoidosis. I'm 51 and have already had a hip replacement and will probably have to have the other one replaced at some point. It somewhat limits me on exercise but as long as I don't do any high impact stuff, I'm usually ok. I take zoloft, welbutrin xl and neurontin and they really do help. My Dr has tried weaning me off of them one at a time but I totally go wacko fast. I've pretty much accepted the fact that I'll probably always have to be on these meds as I've been on them for about 14 years since my parents passed away. I've just started back on MFP 11 days ago but I'm really taking it serious by joining groups, getting involved with message boards and finding friends. I'm hoping that when I lose all my weight (because i'm going to do it this time with a little help from my friends) I'll feel so great, I'll be able to get off all or most of meds (I also take high blood pressure and high cholesterol meds). Please feel free to friend me. I could use your support and will certainly give it too!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Feel free to add me. I can understand about the pain. Major car accident and some other health issues.
