Is eating a bunch of snacks but staying under your calorie g

I find myself snacking on a bunch of 100 calorie snacks a day, as well as a few others. I also find myself eating non-healthy foods. Mainly because "healthy" foods just taste really nasty to me and are really expensive. I'm always under my calories goal. I also drink diet soda. I done pretty good my first few weeks with eating semi-healthy, losing almost 3 pounds a week, well this week I only lost barely a pound. I'm finding it more difficult to cut bad things out of my diet.

Anyways, as I said I'm eating under my calorie goal but not eating healthy, will this effect my weight?


  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    As long as you are under goal, it shouldn't affect your losses, doesn't mean you shouldn't keep tackling changing your eating though, most healthy foods taste amazing to me (in fact, I got fat on them), persevere, you'll acquire a taste for them.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Do you stay under your sugar and sodium goal?
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Technically you should lose scale weight if you eat a caloric deficit.

    However, you're VERY low on protein, which could potentially affect you body composition- even if you lose weight you could end up skinny fat. Muscle needs protein.

    Also, are you gonna eat this way the rest of your life? At one point you're gonna have to make the transition into eating like a grown up. The sooner you do it, the sooner your body has a chance to recover and make up for lost ground.
  • is this a joke?
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Anyways, as I said I'm eating under my calorie goal but not eating healthy, will this effect my weight?

    Maybe not, but it will affect your HEALTH.
  • it will effect you because you're eating too much fat, which means you're still storing it when it cant be absorbed. therefore, you're not doing yourself any favors!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    is this a joke?
    One can only hope.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you can afford 100 calorie packs and diet soda you might want to rethink what you are eating cuz you certainly can afford to buy "healthy" food. i find that if I eat a lot of packaged foods that in the end I will end up being hungry and eventually overeat. when i cut most processed stuff, i have no problem sticking to food budget. eating out will derail your weightloss efforts and your wallet.
  • I agree with what people've previously said about it being good to try and tackle your diet (make some healthy improvements) and you'll for sure acquire a taste for healthy foods. Take little steps though. Do you eat a certain pasta you love? Try incorporating things like chopped carrot, broccoli, spinach or mushrooms into it and you may find you love the taste! :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Those 100 calories snacks are all sugar and carbs. I eat them too, but only in emergency hunger situations. Lookup tasty recipes for healthy food and force yourself to eat healthier, your palate will change and you might even find something you like.
  • I did the same thing before I actually watched what I eat, eating those 100 calorie snacks, they never filled me up and had me wanting more bad food. I don't mind the good foods and it CAN be a little more expensive to eat healthier, but not as much as some disease one can get from not taking care of the body. I am the last one to say anything as I just got back to working out and eating right, but I sure feel better about myself already and it has only been a couple weeks. Just got on here to help track my food and be accountable with what I eat.
  • Brandy108
    Brandy108 Posts: 29 Member
    I feel your pain because I can't cook at all and most healthy foods require cooking. I actually googled how to boil a potato yesterday, haha. But they do taste good once you've gotten used to them and they're much more satisfying than packaged food. There's this site where I'm finding a bunch of low calorie, inexpensive recipes: try it and maybe you'll find something you like! :)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Its actually much cheaper to buy fresh produce and fresh foods than anything packaged! Think about a package of 100 Calorie much do they cost? A banana is around 15-19 cents! Can't beat that price! I shop at Trader Joes so I DON'T get tempted to buy that junk food and processed crap and I can buy an entire week worth of food for a family of three for 60-70 dollars! Thats meat at every meal b/c the boyfriend is most definitely a carnivore! But just so you know how serious I am...I hate most I am not all about the way healthy foods taste! I eat salads almost everyday as I do like lettuce and spinach and things...but the rest is mainly fruit! Eating healthy is easy and the best for your body...staying under calorie goal is the only thing NEEDED to lose weight, but your body will stay fuller longer with better for you foods!
  • Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Plums, and any other fruit is right around 100 Calories and will fill you up alot longer than those stupid 100 calorie packs. Not to mention much healthier. Those 100 calorie packs are just a sales gimmick to get you to eat their unhealthy foods in smaller amounts.
  • I don't know if you'll lose weight but you're hurting your body. Healthy food isn't gross, healthy food can taste really good.

    My favorite recipe is a broccoli one. You take a head of broccoli and break it all up on a pan and mix olive oil, pepper, and garlic on top. Put it in the oven until the broccoli turns slightly brown. Take it out and drizzle lemon juice on it. It's so tasty, I eat it every day!

    Those packs you're eating are full of sugar and carbs and are MUCH more expensive than fresh produce. And diet soda is so bad for you! Carbonation robs your body of oxygen and aspartame is just horrible for you!

    You have to change your eating habits. It's detrimental to your health to eat that way all the time. A 100 calorie pack now and then isn't so bad, but it sounds like you eat it all the time.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    WOW! I seriously could have wrote this myself. Well, myself about five months ago.

    I can tell you from my personal experience that it will affect weight loss 100%. I've learned that it's not just about the calories in but about ingredients in as well. It's all about what you're putting into your body.
    I did the exact same thing. Snacked on the 100 calories snacks (yogurt pretzels were my favorite LOL), a lot of fruit (which in huge portions is too much sugar) and "low-fat/no-fat" snacks.
    Well, week after week I stayed at the same weight, and sometimes even gained a pound. The worst is that I did most of this snacking later in the evening while watching a movie.
    Fat Free Cool Whip taught me this lesson quickly. LOL It is practically zero fat, very low on calories, low carbs and low sugar. But it's the fact the ingredients say "Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, etc.". NO GOOD!

    Just my experience. :) Feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • itsablondething
    itsablondething Posts: 28 Member
    Watch the movie Food, Inc.
  • Aranda7892
    Aranda7892 Posts: 20 Member
    is this a joke?

    Is what a joke?
  • Aranda7892
    Aranda7892 Posts: 20 Member
    Do you stay under your sugar and sodium goal?

    Usually, sometimes I'm a couple over, not often do I go over.
  • Aranda7892
    Aranda7892 Posts: 20 Member
    Technically you should lose scale weight if you eat a caloric deficit.

    However, you're VERY low on protein, which could potentially affect you body composition- even if you lose weight you could end up skinny fat. Muscle needs protein.

    Also, are you gonna eat this way the rest of your life? At one point you're gonna have to make the transition into eating like a grown up. The sooner you do it, the sooner your body has a chance to recover and make up for lost ground.

    I appreciate your advice. However I wasn't aware a 'grown ups' eat a specific way.