30 day shred starting Feb 1st! no excuses.

Hello everyone,

I started 30 day shred for about the 5th time today and am determined to finish it this time. Day 1 for me is January 31st but if anyone would like to join please do! I would love to encourage and support one another. My plan is to do 6 days in a row then 1 rest day and as of right now i think i am going to go up a level every 10 days....you don't have to follow this exact plan but not to sound rude but i really only want people to join if they are willing to really suck it up and get through this whole routine. It will take longer than 30 days because of the rest days after every 6 but no giving up. no excuses. no bull****. I need people on here who are going to hold one another accountable and really try to post on here every day to stay active and motivated. Would love to do this together and see awesome results from this! I am ready to do this and finish it this time! :)