HELP! Cutting Onions makes me cry....



  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    We bought a ninja- works great!
  • Good tip
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    They actually make make onion goggles.

    Courtesy of your friends at Think Geek.


    Or you can get cheaper girly ones on amazon.


    Orrrr you can do what I do and punch that onion in the mouth so it cries first.
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    Suck on a teaspoon while you cut them.
    Supposedly there's a certain way you cut it that doesn't cause tears. I watched it on some cooking show. You cut it in a way where you never actually cut the bottom... where the root thingy is. I can't explain what I watched but try youtube...How to cut an onion

    I've heard that one as well.
  • Put two unlit matches between your teeth.
  • Walmart has a little container in the fresh veggies of chopped fresh onions. I hate to chop them too so I buy that. Plus they are always ready when I need them.
  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    I also buy frozen chopped. Chopping onions gives me a killer headache. I just can't do it.
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    Hold an unlit sulfur match between your teeth.
    I didn't believe it would work...but it does!

    This! It really works :smile:
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    You could wear safety goggles
  • byrnette
    byrnette Posts: 39 Member
    Awesome...I think I will try sunglsses first
  • byrnette
    byrnette Posts: 39 Member
    These ideas are awesome...I think I am going to try rinsing, cooling, sharper knife and eye protection..I have 3 boys so we are crazy about hiding matches so that one is not for me and I hate washing dishes more then anything so I do not want to buy a chopper...but if it comes to that...thanks again..AWESOME SUGGESTIONS
  • I have found it you rinse them first (especially if juices are coming out of the first slice) that it reduces the tears.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I have tried EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. There is nothing posted so far that I have not tried. For me, the only thing that really works is swim goggles.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Not sure if it was mentioned already but chewing gum is supposed to help
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I wear sexy pink swim goggles. lol My hubby laughs at me every time, but it does what I need it to do and I can chop a dozen onions without one tear, so... works for me!
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    I cut around the centre core, like if I was cutting an apple up and avoiding that core. For me, slicing through the onions core seems to be whatb releases the stinging stuff! It's a little bit of waste, but that hard centre bit isn't very good to cook anyway. Works for all types of onions. The only thing it doesn't work for is if you want onion rings :(
  • jhyan
    jhyan Posts: 59 Member
    The crying comes from gases released from the onion when you cut it. The hydrogen sulfide gas gets in your eye, combines with water and forms sulfuric acid. Ouch.

    Most home remedys (match in teeth, sucking on a spoon, etc) do nothing to stop this from happening, so they don't really work. You can do 2 basic things..

    1) deny the gas entrance to your eye... wear goggles... glasses help some, but not as much as goggles
    2) stop the gas from getting away from the onion. Chilling works well here... freeze them for a few minutes before cutting, or keep the onions in the fridge. Washing away the juice also can help by washing away the gas before it can fume off.

    I guess #3 would be to purchase prechopped onions... though the quality doesn't compare, and the price difference is ridiculous!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    jhyan -- this is a fantastic answer!!! better than I could say it. will you be my friend?
    The crying comes from gases released from the onion when you cut it. The hydrogen sulfide gas gets in your eye, combines with water and forms sulfuric acid. Ouch.

    Most home remedys (match in teeth, sucking on a spoon, etc) do nothing to stop this from happening, so they don't really work. You can do 2 basic things..

    1) deny the gas entrance to your eye... wear goggles... glasses help some, but not as much as goggles
    2) stop the gas from getting away from the onion. Chilling works well here... freeze them for a few minutes before cutting, or keep the onions in the fridge. Washing away the juice also can help by washing away the gas before it can fume off.

    I guess #3 would be to purchase prechopped onions... though the quality doesn't compare, and the price difference is ridiculous!
  • I use my big tough boyfriend who thinks tears are for wimps. haha he doesn't tear as much as i do i look like something terrible happened so i get him to cut them for me & make fun of his man tears lol
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member